Tuesday 31 December 2013

Johnny's West 4 Debut + JE goes BL...

There were rumours floating around this year that a Kansai group would debut and now we know it's official.

Johnny's West 4 includes Kiriyama Akito, Nakama Junta, Shigeoka Daiki and Kotaki Nozomu. I read the news from Kansai Juniors Livejournal. It was announced at the Countdown concert and I'm sure that newspapers and other sites will cover this story very soon. To be frank, I'm not too familiar with most Kansai juniors. But I'm somewhat happy that Kiriyama and Nakama got to debut. B.A.D.'s been around for a while well many juniors have.

jpopcentral.yuku. ,echamorimotoasianwiki

Congratulations to JW4! (that's the nickname I've given them) However, I'm concerned about many other things like
  • What is up with the name? I should be used to Johnny's name creating antics by now but...No he still surprises me.
  • What's going to happen to the other 7 West members, Fujii Ryusei and Tomohiro Kamiyama?
  • Are they going to go the A.B.C.-z route with limited releases or are they going to get super-exposed route like Kis-My-Ft2 or a completely different route?
That aside, I'm actually looking forward to them. If they peak my interest enough, it means there's going to be another group I'll follow! :D

Ok now that's the official update is out of the way, have you seen the special SZ + Jr's BL tv special? Whoa, it is just....I can't even put it into words right now. JE's fulfilling many fans' dreams with this special.

[YOUコントしちゃいなよ]④『美絵流学園』 HD by royalmaron

Kento was so funny, I loved his facial expressions. I cracked up when I saw Uchi's "I heard my name, were you talking about me?" face. I can't say much about Marius' acting but I can say that I never realized how likable the Jesse/Kento pairing is. This special was pretty enjoyable. 

Thursday 26 December 2013

Ride With Me Making Of Commentary

After seeing the short pv of RwM I was preparing myself for the worst. I had no confidence that I could watch the full pv without screaming or arm flailing or sobbing  tearing up. Yup, I was right. I was a hot mess and then Inoo had his solo shot and I became a hot blob of feels. I'm absolutely sold that this PV was flawless. Maybe I should have given the Best PV award to RwM...(I didn't see the full pv before that post, so it wouldn't be fair to give it to them.)

So before I saw the making of, I knew that I was heading towards a feels danger zone.  Everybody looked so good and their dancing was so cool and the set design was awesome. XD

BTW You can watch the Making of at Yabu Kota Facebook. :D

>w< Isn't Yuto cute? Answer: He's always cute even when making weird faces.

Yuya sitting all cute and stuff. Yutti being all tired and stuff. 

Hikaru and Inoo teasing Yamada. They were like Chip and Dale. Stop, Hikanoo! Actually don't stop it. Hikanoo for life! 

PEACE! (Random bursts of energy from Dai-chan are always appreciated.)

Yuto: I'll give you my love.
Keito: Stop it! Your love belongs to me only.
Yamada: Eh? If you don't want it, I'll take it. 

PEACE!! Daiki has a "Get out of my face" kind of face, lol.

Yabu and Inoo's definition of cool. Lol, they cracked me up! Inoobu's always so adorable! :D 

KEITO, YOUR HOTNESS IS SHOWING. It's always showing but this is too extreme. I can't deal with your beautiful hair and your unbuttoned shirt and your rolled up sleeves. Someone hold me while I cry because of his beauty. 

Ugh, Chinen. I love your new hair and your smile and just you in general. Already 20 years old and you're looking so good. 

Hikaru's probably thinking of making up for that time when he bullied  teased Keito during Jumparty 3. Hikaru was all over Keito. AHHHHH STOP IT YOU TWO, I ALREADY HAVE WAY TOO MANY SHIPS. Also, Hika's hands are so pretty. Many people say his hands are too skinny and his bones are showing but I love them! The way they're shaped after practicing bass too much....^^ 

There were way too many good points in this video. One of things I noticed was that Takaki and Yama were looking especially tired  I felt bad that they were so sleepy. Get some good rest, boys! But their solo dances were the best, in my opinion. Their moves were sharper and more expressive. XD

Overall, I felt like this was a good behind the scenes. The shooting was long but it was worth it! When the subs come out, I'll enjoy this even more~

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Okei's 2013 JE Awards

Merry Christmas, Everybody! Happy Holidays!! Sorry for the late of posts. D: I had no wifi, so I couldn't post anything until today. I know, I know. RwM Week's already a failure but it was something out of my control.  

Anyways without further ado, introducing Okei's awards for 2013 even though 2013 hasn't ended yet! This year sure was eventful, many things happened, many releases were made, many dollars were spent, and many tears were shed. I, Okei, present to you my list of the Best Single, Album and more. (Remember I don't cover and keep up with all of the JE groups...so please don't get mad at me for not doing so!)

Best Single of the Year: My Resistance Tashikana Mono By Kis-My-Ft2


Hands down, one of my most-listened-to songs of the year. Who can resist a beautiful piano melody, R&B vibe kind of song? Mix in awesome raps by Taipi and some string instrumentals and we've got a sure winner! It was one of Kisumai's best selling singles (Second place after Everybody Go). No one can resist the works of Jazzin' park.

Best Dance of the Year: Come On A My House by Hey! Say! Jump

 BRK Fan
You might be thinking that I'm out of my mind. I know it may not be the most difficult in terms of technique or the most amazing dance I've seen from Johnny's but I love it because it's simple and I can copy the moves. (Lol, great reasoning, right?) It's just a fun dance and each member gets some time in the spotlight. :D

Best PV of the Year: Breathless by Arashi

Surprise, surprise that's it's not HSJ. Actually, I've been getting back into Arashi this year and I'm constantly blown away at their awesomeness. This pv is no exception. I like that it's pretty simple and the set design, clothes, etc goes well with the song. Added bonus: the song is catchy as heck. Oh a oh oh...oh oh a oh oh~

Best Concert of the Year: Johnny's World in Tokyo Dome


A.B.C-z, Sexy Zone, Hey! Say! Jump and Johnny's Juniors?! We've got a winning combination here. I would even recommend it to people who aren't even in Johnny's fandom because it was that good. They performed some of their best songs (Yay for Kimi to... Milky Way and Beat Line) and there was member-ai and acrobats and awesome dancing, and cool lights and everyone looked so happy. A.B.C.-z's dancing blew me away! I was also impressed by Hikaru and Inoo's leg entwining moment thing. XD

Best Album of the Year: Good Ikuze! By Kis-My-Ft2


I love all of Kisumai's album....okay, there's only two so far but they're both downright amazing. Each track is distinct on its own and the singles really stand out. I love the way the album is formatted as well. There's the beginning instrumental track and then they build up energy with fun, catchy songs and end off with a nice ballad. I also love the addition of Kis-My-Zero3!! Can't wait for more albums from them. :)

Biggest Event of the Year: Tanaka Koki's Dismissal 


It's not really an award.  It wasn't a surprise to some fans but for me (who didn't follow Kat-tun much this year), it was. 6nin Kat-tun was such an essential part of my youth and this event made me bask into the golden days of Cartoon Kat-tun glory and appreciate the humour and liveliness of Tanaka Koki. It's going to be a struggle for both Koki and 4nin Kat-tun but I can only hope the best for everyone of them.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Yabu Kota: Jump's Leader!

Yabu, yabu, yabuuuu! He reminds me of this emoticon, ^^. That's because his eyes become smaller when he smiles. Ah, I just love how wonderful and heart-warming his smile is. Whenever he laughs or has fun, I can't help feel giggly and happy too.

Yabu's the "official" leader of JUMP...and despite the times he's just goofing off, he takes many things into consideration and just doesn't let the fans know about it or let the other members worry about it. In his recent 1000 word interview, he talked about his debut and talked about bearing the burdens of those who didn't debut. There are so many issues that he and the rest of jump deal with, I can't even fathom to imagine. T_T Here's a quote that really struck me:

"Whenever someone debuts, more than ten times the number of people will be depressed. There are hundreds and thousands of people who really want to debut. So whoever is chosen must also bear the frustrations of those people." -Yabu Kota (Translation by skysj4)


I'm really glad that Yabu decided to pursue higher education and he's attending Japan's top university. @_@ That man is smart and determined. Even though if he's got a pretty stable working career, he still wants to learn more and challenge himself. :D I'm really proud of him.


Yabu gets annoyed pretty easily sometimes and it's so cute to see him angry.  He becomes an adorable pout-y little kid. But I also love his loving demeanor and how affectionate and touchy-touchy he can be. XD He's usually holding someone's arm or putting his arm around someone else's should or giving hugs to kids....He's a giant (skinny) teddy bear!


You know, I always talk about how adorable Jump babies were. But let me just say that Yabu was the cutest looking toddler of all time. When I first saw the picture, I literally could not believe my eyes that this tiny ball of adorableness turned into a tall, handsome man.


Sometimes he talks about his family during magazine interviews and I can see how much he loves them. He also loves all of the other members so much. I remember once when he was talking about how much he liked Chinen and said he would defend Chinen if anyone talked bad about him. Yabu is too precious! I don't think he's really Jump's leader, but rather Jump's mother. I love his big heart so much!

Thanks for taking care of JUMP, Mama Kota!

Friday 20 December 2013


Guess who's back? Me! :D The reason I was gone...one word: finals. D:

This is Ride with Me Week (RwM) where I will attempt to  blog everyday day for a week.

Remember when Jump was announcing their new single: Ride with Me? Yes that was a couple weeks ago but NOW THEY'RE RELEASING ANOTHER SINGLE IN FEBRUARY! It's for Hika and Inoo's drama. I should have seen this coming but then again, it seems to be a pattern where I need to be constantly reminded of things.

Preorders are up at Cd Japan (go go go people!)

And hold it -the best parts are that it's A DOUBLE A-SIDE AND THERE ARE FOUR VERSIONS. WOOOHOOOO! Ok  the names of the A-side is AinoArika (Which looks very similar to Ai plus Inoo plus Arioka, lol that may be a hint at dainoo) and Aisureba Motto Happy Life.The downside is that there will be a giant hole in my wallets. JUST TAKE MY MONEY! Well, Agressive marketing is better than what HSJ has gotten over the years. It probably won't happen but here's hoping that Hikaru and Inoo will be in the center or get to sing more lines!


Also happening in February is Sexy Zone's 2nd album. I loved their first album. It was good, very good but I'm not a fan of their recent singles. The conflicting feelings! Not to mention there will be 5 versions. What?! Slow down, management, you don't want to make SZ fans go bankrupt now, do you?
More details at tokyohive .

The weird part is that now both SZ and HSJ will have the same number of albums despite the huge gap between year of debut. I will cry the day Jump announces their 3rd album. Literally, I'm preparing myself each and coming day for that moment. T_T But put my HSJ tears aside, Congratulations Sexy Zone! Yay! I'm looking forward to some awesome new songs!!!

Here is a fantastic video of Jesse dancing! Enjoy and look forward to the rest of RwM Week!

jesse vids

Remember when I tried to do Coamh Week and failed. Lol, I'll try not to do that this time.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Replying to Comments 5

yaelismione said:
I haven't seen this if I didn't click November archive. It's sure hard for you.

I love it:

"That boy...he's dangerous for our hearts"

-----> yeah, surely he is. I haven't find more info about him that's why when I saw your post and it's 2013, I clicked it and I just die. LOL! Thank you so much.

Yup, it's pretty frustrating that I have to reply this way. :( I'm sure a lot of other people missed my reply because of this problem.

I know, right?! There isn't enough info or blogs about Yuya or Jump in general!! It's so sad. :(

Ride With Me~

Jump performed their new song, Ride with me, at the Best Artist something something show. (lol I don't remember the name of the show).

Surprising I didn't like the song at first. I felt like their voices were too sweet for this type of song and the incorporation of dubstep elements was weird. It just didn't blend well together. But the more I listened to the song, the more I liked it. (Now I can't get enough of it!)

2013.11.27☆JUMP ・ Ride With Me by ichigocherry

Here are some of my semi-incoherent thoughts of their performance:

  • The. Dance. Is. So. Good. I love it so much more than Bounce. I love the holding-an-invisible-ball-while-moving-their-hips move. Sorry for the bad description. XD
  • Their outfits! Yes, yes! A million thumbs up from me. 
  • Awesome rapping. More of that in their future songs please.
  • Dai-chan was so into the song. He was the star of the performance. That boy stole my heart (multiple times). 
  • Yaotome looking like a badass. (Also, loving his dark hair. Him and Yuya look great with dark hair!)
  • Yamada's English lines... I think I replayed that part at least 10 times.
  • Yutti's scarf was distracting.
  • Keito finally getting a line. FINALLY! (He sported a spiky hairstyle....nice!)
  • Yabu looking like an angel. No surprise there. :D
  • "Can you ride with me?" YES, YOU BET I CAN! 
Of course, I couldn't forget Inoo. (There's no way I could). 
Inoo had one close up that lasted literally 1 second. And let me tell you that 1 second was all it took for me to melt. He was so cute. Gosh, my screen cap does not do him justice. His smile is the epitome of adorableness.

I was a hot mess after watching this. I'm so glad they have a new single and are moving away from the Coamh image. I hope they keep on releasing new stuff on a somewhat regular basis.

P.S. I will continue my "celebrate Jump's new single by blogging everyday for a week" tradition. So Look forward to that! :D

Saturday 23 November 2013

Replying to Comments 4

yaelismione said:
I also do love Yuya San so much. So much that I could die! haha!!!

At first I like Miura but when I saw him, I was like OMG!!! This guy... surely gives me the feeling of being surrounded by flowers. :-)

Thank you for this post.!
Thank you for your comment and you're welcome! :D

Yuya certainly gives off that aura!!! Well I didn't' have that OMG! effect but he certainly warmed up to me. Now I can't get enough of him. That boy...he's dangerous for our hearts, lol.

Also, I'm sorry I still can't reply directly. I think it's time I just give in and reply through posts. 


Say it isn't so! Someone, hurry hold me! This news means so, so much to me. (Sorry going to go off topic here!)

Recently, I finally realized what I was experiencing in high school and university was an existential crisis. Well, I'm still experiencing it now. It comes and goes. Of late, I've been really depressed. I was feeling so much better before and then suddenly, this crisis just re-arose. Jump's been helping me though. Because of them, I've been able to try harder but sometimes (like now) it's just so hard. T_T BUT THEN, this news came and it made me really happy.

Embedded image permalinkmomomo415

Inoo and Hikaru, they worked so hard. Congratulations, Hikanoo! How long has it been since both of them had a drama? Especially Inoo! T_T I'm so proud of them. Finally it's time for a new Jump generation. Both of them are working hard for Jump and it makes me feel hopeful that one day I can achieve my dreams too.

The drama is called "Dark System - Battle of Love" (news gathered from here: duracell--bunny). The plot is confusing...I don't really get it. I think it's one of those dramas I have to watch to understand. Anyways Tina also co-stars. She was in arama a while back due to backlash on the internet. The Reason? She liked Sakurai and wasn't afraid to show it. Some fans are just... >.>

Apparently the rumour is that Inoo's playing a blind pianist. The role seems tough, considering that he's only had a small role in a drama 7 years ago. Well, I know he'll be alright. :) I think I will freak out more when I see him in a cm or something...even if it's only for a fraction of a second.

Dark System will start airing next year in January with Hikaru as the lead. Goodness gracious, will I be able to handle so much Hikaru? I totally freaked out in Ikemen Desu Ne despite Tama and Taipi having more screen time. (Everytime Hikaru appeared, I swear I just cried at his perfection, lol). But...

JUST BRING IT ON! I'm ready to release my Hikanoo feels.

Heh, one of the parts I'm most excited about is behind the scenes of the drama. (If they ever release one). Oh, and the magazine shoots and tv appearances. It's going to be a wonderful year.

Saturday 16 November 2013


Say what? Is this really true? Somebody pinch me, please! Oh gosh, HSJ will be releasing their new single "Ride with me" on CHRISTMAS DAY! I can't believe my eyes because I honestly wasn't expecting it. I know there was going to be a new Kindaichi special but it didn't cross my mind that Jump would be singing the theme song. Yes stop judging me. I totally forgot about it.

2013.11.13☆every ・ 金田一少年 by ichigocherry
I can't wait to hear it and I can't wait to see the covers. Come on a my house's were kind of..... Let's just say it wasn't their best cover. But I'm so excited for the next songs and karaoke and dvd and special booklet.

Preorders are up at YesAsia and CDJapan. :)

The song's supposed to be a cool dance number....so there's hope that the dance will be as awesome as Beatline or Bounce. It's also written by M-Flo (not too sure about that). I thought their new song will be in the background of the cm/promo but I guess we'll have to wait until later to hear it.

Putting my inner fan aside, this is really good news for them. Finally, they're beginning to release more stuff and become more active. Inoo and Yabu's got their semi-regular tv appearance, Yuto acted in a mega-popular drama, Yuya's got 2 dramas up his sleeve, Chinen's doing well himself although the drama itself is boring,   and they recently released their concert dvd.

The bad side of this is that I can't handle so much glorious Jump! While I'm waiting for my dvd to arrive. I watched a clip of their Zenkoku e Jump and THERE IS SO MUCH MORE INOO THAN I EXPECTED. He's been neglected with screen time and now there's more than 2 seconds of him, I'm just at a loss for words. This is wonderful but so so bad for my fan heart.

ALSO Yuto battled against Okura in a takodrum game (i have no idea what it's called!). I saw a set of gifts here (http://candied-drummer.tumblr.com/post/67178934287/2013-11-16) and he looked so cute. Unforunately, Yuto did not win again Okura but it was a gallant try. Johnny's are one talented bunch of people, they never cease to impress me. :D

Friday 8 November 2013

It's Time for a ... Shokura Review! (November 6, 2013)

Whoaa. I haven't watched a full episode of Shokura since... JULY! O___O  For the past few months, I felt like shokura was getting less interesting but after watching this episode, I was like " THIS IS WHY I WATCH SHOUNEN CLUB!" It's just so much fun, I feel like the dances, song choices, transitioning, and everything about the show has improved.

First off, can I just say that Shori makes some of the most adorable faces!! I tried to make an emoticon out of his face.....does he look like it?! Well, Kind of....

The theme of the episode was color (or colour....Sorry it's the Canadian in me). Keito and Yabu were the hosts and oh dear, Keito was so good looking and Yabu was looking at Keito so sweetly. Kill me slowly now feels. 

Moving on, we had tons of great performances. Some juniors made mistakes a few of the dances but it's okay. Their performances were great overall. Everyone had so much energy and it really showed. Might I add, there was quite a bit of fanservice. Whoever was filming the show had something in mind, let's just leave it at that. There was that moment between Kento and Jesse...

Omg there was a dance game where they had to dance for exactly 30 seconds (without a watch of course!) and whoever was the closest won. They all amazed me as most of them landed very close in the 30 second range. But the person who amazed me the most was Jinguji. He should have won for his "crying" face. XD Gorgeous, let me tell you. 

Moving on, Casey Anderson did a magic trick and I still can't figure it out! He's good!!! He let Totsu and Fumito chose a card and immediately knew which card it was. I think he was doing something when he turned his back to them. 

Last but not least, we have Noon Boyz doing something with Fumito and Tsuka. I never really had an interest in Noon Boyz....I just kind of knew them. But the HUG!!! That hug made me switch into my inner fan mode. I'm really curious about Yuki now, he's adorable and reminds me of Daiki.  

Side Note: I'm glad to see Juri's not gettting pushed back. He rapped a bit in the beginning of the show and seems to be doing ok. Also, I feel as if Kento's going to be the next big Johnny's star....but that's just me.

Saturday 2 November 2013

New Tackey & Yuya Drama + Morimoto's New Show + Snow Dome + Shokura Clip

Have you been watching any of this season's dramas? I've dropped a lot of them after the first episode. I tried watching Goro's, Nakamaru's and Nagase's drama and tons of others. However there's nothing that's interesting or exciting or different enough. I'm only currently watching Legal High 2 (which is a trainwreck I should stop) and 49 (which you should go and see if you haven't already). Despite being the huge JE fan that I am, I can't even bring myself to watch Yuri's or Kame's drama.


That being said, I'm looking forward towards Tackey and Yuya's new police/justice/vigilante drama. The plot seems okay but I'm really happy to see Yuya acting again. I really enjoy watching him on screen! Tackey also impressed me in Mayonaka no Panyasan. Read more about it at jenewsdaily. (Also, this is random but I think the guy between Tackey and Yuya played Dan sensei from Gakuen Q)

On the topic of tv, Morimoto got himself a regular spot on Mousorisuto. I remember getting all excited because his last name and the show's name are similar, so I thought they based the show's name off him, lol. XD It's not subbed yet so I've only really seen gifs of it on tumblr. (Check out  fuckyeahshintaro for awesome gifs) Shintaro became tanned!


Kismai's getting another single....yet again! I don't care for Luv sick but Snow Dome no Yakusoku is REALLY good. Whoever composes their ballads/R&B songs...Good on you! The dance doesn't really fit the song.....but the christmas-y scenery is nice.

2013.10.30☆Darkness + Mysterious Dance by ichigocherry

Leaving things off with an awesome Shokura clip. Yuma and juniors perform Darkness! (echoes darkness, darkness). Bakaleya6 minus Jesse and Hokuto perform Mysterious Dance. (Please debut! Lately I've been getting too worried).

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Why You Should Watch 49

Yes, that 49 starring Sato Shori. The one with the cliche plot where a father dies saving his son and then borrows his son's body to fix his regrets. I swear that plot is so cheesy and overused. But it actually works out here...


The pacing of the drama is actually quite nice, not too fast and each episode has its own subplot which wraps up nicely. There's enough mystery in each episode that you want to keep watching until the end and there's a satisfying feeling when a problem wraps up by the end of the episode.

There are themes of bullying, family issues, and acceptance. They're told in a kind of refreshing way, so it doesn't get boring. Even though I've seen a girl who gets water poured over her head in the washroom stall many times and the outcast boy trying to win the heart of the most popular girl at school etc etc.  The writers did a good job playing with common tv tropes by adding a few twists to the plot and some insightful lines to the script.The balance between the serious themes and humour is good, too.

The actors and actresses do a great job at portraying the characters. (I am really bad with names...I only remember Dan, lol. So I searched her up) Maiko Yamaoto who plays Sachi Takami is a good actress. She's got potential! Sato's quite good as well for his first leading role. There are tons and tons of Juniors in this drama as well....and they're good! Well I'm not watching this show for the juniors but it's good on them for more exposure. Their cross dressing is fantastic, I might add! XD

Also, the music.....there's some catchy pop instrumental being played in every episode. (BUT I CAN'T PUT MY FINGER ON IT AND IT'S BUGGING ME!) It's so familiar, I swear it was really in during the 2000s or something. Sato sings a solo song for this drama. It's okay....just another ballad. =/ I prefer the piano instrumental of it though.

So this drama might not change your life but it's nice entertainment. Point is, go give it a try!! :D
(I overused the word "good" here...hahaha, guess that sums up what I think of the drama!)

Other Blogs talking about 49:

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Jimusho and Idol Culture

There's a lot happening in my life right now and I'm struggling to deal with my problems. I swear I cause 99% of my own problems just by overthinking and overworrying. T___T Anyways, enough about that.

Ever since I've come back to the JE fandom, I've become more and more curious about learning more about Idol culture. In the past, I didn't even know many of the groups, let alone how the whole Johnny's agency operate. I blindly consumed and didn't really think about what lied behind the scenes.

Because of my love for JE, I've read a THESIS on my own will....(Never saw that coming! Refer to this post). I've also read a research book and many articles about Japanese Idol culture. They're really fascinating and I do recommend reading them! :)

The Jimusho System

  • Separated into 4 parts
  • Talks about blacklisting, control of rights, how indie agencies are really just part of larger agencies, and more!
  • There are some interesting comments as well

  • A mildly thick book about Idol Culture
  • The link goes to Google Books. It cost around $60. T_T But if your university or institute is subscribed to this particular online library you might be able to read it for FREE herepalgraveconnect
  • There's also a scanned snippet about Arashi floating around the net somewhere....but I won't link it. (You didn't hear this from me)
  • The down part is that they didn't talk about Hey! Say! Jump that much (Excuse my bias)... They did talk about Arashi a bit and older female groups/idols I didn't really know about. 
There isn't much material that I've found, so I'm always on the outlook for more!

Saturday 19 October 2013

Replying to Comments 3

Anonymous asked: can I ask? where can I watch Jump Party 3?

Hihi! I tried searching for any streams but didn't find any. I'm so sorry! The community I downloaded from doesn't allow hotlinks but I found an alternative download link:

(She allows linking to her journal but please don't reupload!)

If you don't or can't download it, then..... you've got to wait for someone to stream it, I guess. I don't think anyone has subbed Jump Party 3 yet. It'd be useful if you have a livejournal account and check out http://hey-say.livejournal.com/. If someone does sub it, they will probably announce it there! :D Sorry if I couldn't be of more help. Hope you get to watch it soon!! Thank you for commenting! :D

**Just a side note....How come I STILL can't reply to comments?!!! I tried a lot of different things and even tried to contact support (they still haven't replied to my email). I'm even thinking of switching to wordpress just so I can reply to comments. T_T

Wednesday 9 October 2013


I am in complete shock right now.

Tanaka Koki has withdrawn from Kat-tun...


This is why I should never ever read Arama before an exam or going to school because I cannot handle news like this and just expect myself to calm down in minutes.

Kat-tun has been a major influence on my life, especially during high school and to see another member leave makes me really sad and upset and frustrated. Although I haven't been keeping up with their activities as of late, the memories I had with them are still very strong. For the people who've been them from the very beginning and for the people whose ichiban is Koki, it must hurt even more. T_T

 fanpop (Yes his photo makes me really sad and I don't know what I'm making myself sadder...)

Ueda was my favourite but Koki made the group dynamic more fun. He'd kick Junno in Cartoon Kat-tun. He'd write his own raps. He helped to differentiate Kat-tun from other JE groups. He cared about his kouhais and his group and his fans so much. And now without him, Kat-tun feels different and I don't like it.

Honestly it all comes down to Johnny's being a business and they make really big decisions to survive. This makes me really frustrated. I want answers to why he was fired. What did he do? Was it because of his "scandal"? ARGHH, I don't know what to think!

So now Koki doesn't have a contract with Johnny's anymore?! But he mentioned he will continue in the industry as a talent. T_T He could always be a music producer or appear in variety shows....but once you go against Johnny, it's hard to stay in the entertainment business or so they say.  Koki, I hope you'll come back to the industry with a bang!!

What about Juri? His big brother's not part of Johnny's anymore and I can't imagine how Juri's feeling right now. I think I'll spend the rest of my evening listening to Break the Records and wondering if I should be angry with Johnny's or scared for their future..

(Now everytime a group is on "hiatus", I am going to freak my pants off b/c who knows what will happen...)

(As reported by Arama: http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/5069958.html?page=3#comments and http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/5070190.html)

Sunday 6 October 2013

Yutti's (so-called) Date + Papapics of Hamsterrrrr (aka Morimoto Ryutaro) + Chinen's not a 10th grader

Yes, yes, Yutti's cute date is the talk of the town. (I'm so late to the party.)  As everybody knows, the woman beside him is his co-star in Share House~ For some reason I could care less whether or not he was actually on a romantic date or just a staff meeting or friend meetup or whatever this was. I'm just so happy that Yuto looks so happy here!! And I'm also glad to see papapics of Yuto. He's getting more and more popular through his dramas~


Also, when they bowed and parted ways, I thought it was so adorable and respectful. I did squeal a bit at the picture below. >W<

I'm also really really reallllyyy happy to see papapics of our little hamster! First I saw the pic with Shintaro and Juri. I'm glad to see him looking happy and it's been a while since new papapics arose. Shintaro dyed his hair (I think?) so this must be from some time ago.


Also the picture below is priceless. Taiga's yawn is just..... XD


Remember when I said that Chinen was going to fit his 10th grader role perfectly because of his looks? Well, I take it back! I TAKE IT ALL BACK! He looks so mature in this picture and totally doesn't look like a high schooler or not. Well, Yuri, I'll leave it up to your acting to convince me. 

Note to Self: How could I forget to mention Hikaru's beautiful voice and awesome ability to look good in any hair colour?! (Judging myself right now). 

Saturday 28 September 2013

Yaotome Hikaru aka Mr. Crooked Teeth

It's been way too long since I've done one of these and I have so many more to go. I want to talk about Hikaru first because recently my family has been nagging me about relationships and marriage. >:( I'm still young and I'm totally satisfied with being by myself for the time being. But the more I thought about my future.....the more Hikaru came to mind!

I don't even know my type, I believe if I were to fall in love (which hasn't happened yet fandoms don't count), it wouldn't matter how the person looked like! But I do think similar tastes are important. I feel like I have the most in common with Hikaru. Sorry Inoo we just weren't meant to be... XD


First of all, he's a book and music nerd. From magazine translation and some interviews, I heard he has lots of books. And he goes to cafe to read books. Just knowing we love books makes me feel closer to him. Reading is great!! Books are great!! Hikaru's great!! XD Also, he's a huge music nerd. I think he said he had around 8,000 songs in his collection. (It's probably more by now). He composes his own music, plays the bass and drums and guitar. and writes lyrics. Damn, boy can do it all! I love the way his fingers move so fast when he plays the bass. It's mesmerizing...

Kamiru Kaulitz

My first impression of Yaotome was that.....he wasn't handsome. One of the first pictures that comes to mind was during his puberty phase. He looked especially awkward because he had really bad eye bags and looked awfully tired. It turned me off. I let that one photo (which I cannot find right now) get to me and now I realize what a stupid reason it was. There's apparently a lot of people who don't like Hikaru's crooked teeth. There's such a pressure to have "perfect" teeth in most countries, it's really refreshing to see people like Hika have crooked teeth and be proud of it. I've been brainwashed to think that only perfect teeth are beautiful but on the contrary, everyone has a great smile no matter how their teeth look. Hikaru has one of the best and heart warming smiles in the world.


Also, Hikaru's quite the family man. His grandma even comes to his concerts, which is adorable. He still lives with his parents, I think? (Since I think he was complaining about them in a kind of recent translation, lol) His family was affected by the 2011 earthquake and he spoke about how worried he was for them, especially his neice/nephew. Can I also mention that he was adorable as a child? I mean, he's barely changed....he's still adorbs.


Maybe the biggest reason was I hold so much love for this kid is probably because of his personality. He's one of the greatest trolls in JUMP (if not, the greatest). Always playing gags or jokes on people. I'm a pretty shy person, so I always admire people who are so cheerful and outgoing and energetic. But he's serious when he needs to be. He's strict during rehearsals, (always working hard for us, fans!) and he's not afraid to voice his opinions. Remember the infamous fight with Yabu....(Gotta love Yabuhika)


Almost forgot about his gorgeous arms! And his gorgeous body! JUMP's given me all these strange attractions to arms and eyebrows and eyes... (Yes, I'm looking at you, Inoo, for the eyebrow attraction thingy I have going on.)


Last but not least, I love his name: Hikaru (or Light). It's so beautiful and completely fits his personality. Please continue to shine and bring happiness to everyone you meet, Hikaru!

P.S. You can see his bookshelf/cd shelf around 2:10

Friday 27 September 2013


Just a quick update.

CONGRATULATIONS TO HEY SAY JUMP FOR A WONDERFUL 6 YEARS. I know I'm 3 days late but nonetheless, I want to wish you good luck in the future and thank you so much for these amazing 6 years.

Has it really been 6 years?! It feels so strange that time passes by so quickly and now all of you are grow up and adults. I know I wasn't here with you for many years but I'm here now and I'm here to stay! Many things have happened but you guys still stuck together. I'm still hoping for a day where JUMP will be reunited, but I'll always be wishing for your happiness not matter what it may be. Happy Anniversary, JUMP! Love you lots! :)


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Update on My Life + Okura's Butt + Jump Party 3

I'm so sorry for not updating. It's just that...I've been working hard! Minus all the times I've watched Jump Party 3 and other random stuff... So in My Johnny's Story (Part 4) I talked about my dream. Well, my dream isn't going to come true if I just sit here and stare at my computer all day! I've been searching for exchange programs and applying for jobs. And I've been struggling with school. >.<

But alas, I've got a job! And there's a really good exchange thingy that I want to get into. It's really competitive and I don't have much experience....all I've got is my passion! XD

Enough about me...What's happening in the Johnny's fandom? Well, lots (as usual)!

First off, I just saw Okura's Anan shoot and Oh. My. Goodness. It's a beautiful shoot and my favourite picture is the one where's he turning his head with his back towards us. (I seriously gasped at how beautiful this photo was. Thank you, Mr. Photographer!!!!) I'm not very knowledgable about Kanjani8 .....b-but damn it, I'm curious now!


Onwards with the news! Jump Party 3 is out and has been for quite some time. I love jump party...I think i've watched the past two at least a dozen times each!! They're so entertaining. I love seeing Jump having fun and just being their silly selves.

I wasn't keep on the whole bowling idea for Party 3 but it worked out. Everyone was hilarious, I laughed until I cried. XD Inoo was adorable as always and he failed so much, it was soooo cute. Yamada was an excellent host, his trolling is just.....it's reached another level. Hikaru bullied Keito and it was awesome. Keito's got his revenge by slapping Hikaru's chest but then Hikura returned it with an even harder slap. Takaki held the bowling ball funny and made some amazing/ surprising moves. Yabu was awesomely silly. Chinen was awesomely adorable. Daiki was awesomely amazing. (I'm not even sure if awesomely is even a word. >.>)

And Yuto...he was the highlight! He was so energetic and crazy and said random things like "This!" It was great.

I'll probably go off to watch it again later tonight~

This is an old video but I've gotten a lot of Yutti feels after Party 3...


Saturday 7 September 2013

Tokyo 2020 + New Drama for Chinen + Yuma dropped out?!

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts. T^T Sometimes I'm just to busy and other times, I'm just plain lazy. My lousy excuses aside, TOKYO'S WON THE BID FOR 2020 OLYMPICSSSSSS!!!

Lol, and the reason I was so happy was because of Twenty Twenty. It means that there's a greater chance that 40 juniors will debut and I am so excited. I AM READY FOR THIS. (7 years early).


In other news, Chinen's acting with Ryo in a new drama. He's acting as a 10th grader, which he can totally pull off. XD I'm excited~ The story's mildy interesting to me but I can't wait to see the behind-the-scenes and all the magazine interviews and photoshoots for the duo.


Sooooo... Yuma's not an university student anymore. It was a bit out of the blue. Well, since he's got so much work and more coming, he had to make a choice. And honestly, being an university student myself, I question whether I want to go through with my degree or not. :( Wish you all the best, Yuma! Good luck and hope you become fluent in English! I'm available if you want someone to talk to in English.  XD

Also, more news quickie: Congrats Shori on your lead role and to Tama and Miyata and Senga on your roles in Dream Boys Jet!!!

I've always got time for some keito love. His arm flailing is epic. X3

Naomi Kaneko

Wednesday 28 August 2013


Edit: Yes, I realize how dumb I am. I shouldn't have believed this in the first place....I was too hyped up about it. 

I'm going to be busier now that I have to go back to school soon. :( But some news came up and I was so surprised!!! The last person I would expect to have a scandal just did. I did not see this coming AT ALL. Miyata....the person who's a huge otaku and who's in a relationship with Tamamori. XD What about your precious Tama? 

It sure looks like him. And apparently, the girl who leaked this is a Tama fan. =0 
He can do what he wants in private but he should be more careful! Some people are so sneaky with taking pictures and recordings! The person who leaked it plastered their twitter name all over the pictures. Anyways, I hope Tama doesn't get too jealous... LOL XD

Thanks to Johnny's World (which I will do a review on....someday), my interest in Taiga's peaked again! :D He's got great potential as an actor. Do your best, Taiga! (I hope you and the rest of Bakaleya6 debuts)

I really like this cm even though it's kind of old. :3
