Wednesday 18 September 2013

Update on My Life + Okura's Butt + Jump Party 3

I'm so sorry for not updating. It's just that...I've been working hard! Minus all the times I've watched Jump Party 3 and other random stuff... So in My Johnny's Story (Part 4) I talked about my dream. Well, my dream isn't going to come true if I just sit here and stare at my computer all day! I've been searching for exchange programs and applying for jobs. And I've been struggling with school. >.<

But alas, I've got a job! And there's a really good exchange thingy that I want to get into. It's really competitive and I don't have much experience....all I've got is my passion! XD

Enough about me...What's happening in the Johnny's fandom? Well, lots (as usual)!

First off, I just saw Okura's Anan shoot and Oh. My. Goodness. It's a beautiful shoot and my favourite picture is the one where's he turning his head with his back towards us. (I seriously gasped at how beautiful this photo was. Thank you, Mr. Photographer!!!!) I'm not very knowledgable about Kanjani8 .....b-but damn it, I'm curious now!


Onwards with the news! Jump Party 3 is out and has been for quite some time. I love jump party...I think i've watched the past two at least a dozen times each!! They're so entertaining. I love seeing Jump having fun and just being their silly selves.

I wasn't keep on the whole bowling idea for Party 3 but it worked out. Everyone was hilarious, I laughed until I cried. XD Inoo was adorable as always and he failed so much, it was soooo cute. Yamada was an excellent host, his trolling is's reached another level. Hikaru bullied Keito and it was awesome. Keito's got his revenge by slapping Hikaru's chest but then Hikura returned it with an even harder slap. Takaki held the bowling ball funny and made some amazing/ surprising moves. Yabu was awesomely silly. Chinen was awesomely adorable. Daiki was awesomely amazing. (I'm not even sure if awesomely is even a word. >.>)

And Yuto...he was the highlight! He was so energetic and crazy and said random things like "This!" It was great.

I'll probably go off to watch it again later tonight~

This is an old video but I've gotten a lot of Yutti feels after Party 3...


1 comment:

  1. can I ask? where can I watch Jump Party 3?


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