Tanaka Koki has withdrawn from Kat-tun...
This is why I should never ever read Arama before an exam or going to school because I cannot handle news like this and just expect myself to calm down in minutes.
Kat-tun has been a major influence on my life, especially during high school and to see another member leave makes me really sad and upset and frustrated. Although I haven't been keeping up with their activities as of late, the memories I had with them are still very strong. For the people who've been them from the very beginning and for the people whose ichiban is Koki, it must hurt even more. T_T
fanpop (Yes his photo makes me really sad and I don't know what I'm making myself sadder...)
Ueda was my favourite but Koki made the group dynamic more fun. He'd kick Junno in Cartoon Kat-tun. He'd write his own raps. He helped to differentiate Kat-tun from other JE groups. He cared about his kouhais and his group and his fans so much. And now without him, Kat-tun feels different and I don't like it.
Honestly it all comes down to Johnny's being a business and they make really big decisions to survive. This makes me really frustrated. I want answers to why he was fired. What did he do? Was it because of his "scandal"? ARGHH, I don't know what to think!
So now Koki doesn't have a contract with Johnny's anymore?! But he mentioned he will continue in the industry as a talent. T_T He could always be a music producer or appear in variety shows....but once you go against Johnny, it's hard to stay in the entertainment business or so they say. Koki, I hope you'll come back to the industry with a bang!!
What about Juri? His big brother's not part of Johnny's anymore and I can't imagine how Juri's feeling right now. I think I'll spend the rest of my evening listening to Break the Records and wondering if I should be angry with Johnny's or scared for their future..
(Now everytime a group is on "hiatus", I am going to freak my pants off b/c who knows what will happen...)
(As reported by Arama: http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/5069958.html?page=3#comments and http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/5070190.html)
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