Thursday 8 August 2013

Tired of What's Up + Taipi's Anan Shoot + Kento as Hachiken?!

I'm tired of Jin's What's Up....after listening to it twice. The full pv, that is. :P 
I like Key to Your Heart  much better. Is it just me or does his voice sound different? Just noticed it sounds raspier.
Well, here's a preview of Taipi's sexy shoot that will blow your mind. Get your tissues ready for any sudden nosebleeds.



I wasn't ready for that, lol. Hot dayum, Taipi. Good job, anan. Good job, newspaper for the preview. After seeing this beautiful picture, all I can say is I'm really excited to see the pictures. He'll be talking about love and sex too, which I'm pretty intrigued to find out.


My first reaction to this was: I. Don't. Want. This. >:0 
I do believe that Kento is a good actor and he's learning really quickly...but I have doubts about him pulling this off. I love the manga so much, it's so light hearted and refreshing and at times intense and just makes you feel all sorts of feelings (just like Mayonaka no Panyasan). Also love the whole agriculture process and the food talk, yum.  I'm protective of Arakawa's work. Yet at the same time, I want to support Kento. I've got to learn to be more open, right? I'll give it an episode or two...

Edit: Found a cm where you can see horses and cows and more. :D

2013.08.07☆銀の匙映画化WS① by ichigocherry

Let's leave things off with a hilarous video of Taiyo's cute failure. I crack up each time I watch it. Seriously made my week though I should be studying instead of being entertained by yayayah.


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