Saturday 17 August 2013

Thank You, Jweb Translators

The Jweb app is now available in English and Korean and Chinese.

HOLY MOLEY! I'm. So. Friggin. Happy. It cost like $4ish or 315 Yen a month. I don't even have a smartphone but when I do, I'm getting this!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! But it's about time! International fans have waited a long time! (Too long...) It's bittersweet though as a lot of Jweb translators has ceased their translations. Well, it makes sense since now translations are officially done by the company. I'm sad, I enjoyed reading their jweb translations. It also makes me think about just how much their work has impacted the community. Without their hard work, I don't think I or many other people would have been able to get as much news and facts and random knowledge about Johnny's. So thank you, translators for everything you've done so far!!

Also, to Johnny's management, I'm pleased that you are considering your international fans more and more! XD I'm looking forward to more goodies like maybe a youtube channel or something.

For More Info, go to the Official Site:

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