Wednesday 28 August 2013


Edit: Yes, I realize how dumb I am. I shouldn't have believed this in the first place....I was too hyped up about it. 

I'm going to be busier now that I have to go back to school soon. :( But some news came up and I was so surprised!!! The last person I would expect to have a scandal just did. I did not see this coming AT ALL. Miyata....the person who's a huge otaku and who's in a relationship with Tamamori. XD What about your precious Tama? 

It sure looks like him. And apparently, the girl who leaked this is a Tama fan. =0 
He can do what he wants in private but he should be more careful! Some people are so sneaky with taking pictures and recordings! The person who leaked it plastered their twitter name all over the pictures. Anyways, I hope Tama doesn't get too jealous... LOL XD

Thanks to Johnny's World (which I will do a review on....someday), my interest in Taiga's peaked again! :D He's got great potential as an actor. Do your best, Taiga! (I hope you and the rest of Bakaleya6 debuts)

I really like this cm even though it's kind of old. :3


Thursday 22 August 2013

Idol Blog Recommendations Part 2!! :D

I've learnt my lesson....I won't say that I will blog everyday because the truth is....I can't! T_T Unless JUMP has a new single and then we'll talk...
But on the bright side, I've found lots of new blogs! Enough for another round-up of blog recs! (sprinkles confetti everywhere) Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

  • Not limited to Johnnys, but East Asian Pop in general
  • Really interesting, detailed, in depth, and thoughtful articles about Idols and other artists' impact on society and culture
  • It's good read if you want to dive beyond the glitzy glamour of idols
  • Doesn't really have a posting schedule 
  • News blog about J&A....need I say more? XD
  • Short and sweet posts 
  • She sometimes adds her own comments and for some reason, I really find her amusing! 
  • Updates as needed
  • For Jin Akanishi fans.....Not a huge fan but do check the site here and there
  • There's translations, news, radio posts, scans.....
  • Pretty regular, now that Jin's sort of active
  • Even the name of the blog makes me automatically love them! XD 
  • Doesn't update that often but when s/he's really interesting stuff such as fan terms or news!
  • Has a tumblr for translations but I'm saving that for a translations blog post
Also...I keep on watching this adorable Yabuhika video. YABUHIKA 5ever! 
Damn it, the way they look at each other is just so.....alsdkalkdlk! 


Saturday 17 August 2013

Thank You, Jweb Translators

The Jweb app is now available in English and Korean and Chinese.

HOLY MOLEY! I'm. So. Friggin. Happy. It cost like $4ish or 315 Yen a month. I don't even have a smartphone but when I do, I'm getting this!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! But it's about time! International fans have waited a long time! (Too long...) It's bittersweet though as a lot of Jweb translators has ceased their translations. Well, it makes sense since now translations are officially done by the company. I'm sad, I enjoyed reading their jweb translations. It also makes me think about just how much their work has impacted the community. Without their hard work, I don't think I or many other people would have been able to get as much news and facts and random knowledge about Johnny's. So thank you, translators for everything you've done so far!!

Also, to Johnny's management, I'm pleased that you are considering your international fans more and more! XD I'm looking forward to more goodies like maybe a youtube channel or something.

For More Info, go to the Official Site:

Thursday 15 August 2013

Reflections + Hanzawa Naoki + Kasumi

I'm still alive! ^^ I just finished my exams, so now I can blog more often. (Maybe daily or once every other day? :D) Thank you for checking out this site even though updates are so irregular!

Anyways! A while ago, I was on the subway....just sitting and being bored. When suddenly, Inoo's face pops up in my head and BAM! I start grinning and blushing and laughing. I tried my best to control my feelings, I swear! Good gracious, I felt sorry for everyone in the same train as me. Thanks a lot, Kei!!!
(Also Thanks to Yuto for the gorgeous photoshoot!)

Photo: thanks to yuto for took this beautiful photoshoot of inoo kei.. 
かっこいいね!! *melts a thousand kilometers away*

sorry for being inactive! :(inookeifans

I'm and have been in a lot of fandoms but for some strange reason, it's only with JUMP where they randomly pop in my head and suddenly, I'm crying over the fact that they're so gorgeous and funny and everything. I'm in the state of pure happiness when watching their performances and dramas or looking at their magazine shoots. It's nice to always have something positive in your life. Something you can count on to make you feel better when you are tired from school, work, or just life. :)

Then, I thought, If I'm like this now when it's just them on a computer screen...What would happen if I saw them in real life? The scariest thing is that I don't know how I would react. Will I scream, will I faint, will I freeze, will I cry like a baby? The last one is most likely but who knows? I probably might run in the other direction, lol. >.> That was a long ramble.
Are you watching Hanzawa Naoki, too? :D It's good but (unpopular opinion alert) it's kind of boring at times. I'd like to see more of the side characters like that tax guy, Shunichi Kurosaki and the sidekick Kiyohiko Takeshita get fleshed out. Sometimes I get frightened at Naoki's determination (Kikoyhiko said something along the lines of "Maybe you're the bad guy". It really stuck with me, it's such an interesting thing to say.)


BUT YUTO'S DONEEEEEE HIS PART!! T-T Too early, in my opinion. Apparently he's only in the drama up to episode 5! I could really see his growth in acting. There were some parts where I felt his true personality shown through but I'm no expert critic   all in all, he was really good and I hope he makes an appearance in the finale. :)

OH NO! I'm so sorry. I forgot Yuto's birthday!! (Which in my excuse, I am totally not a birthday person. It took me lots of effort to remember Inoo's. I forget my own birthday and other people's too all the time.) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Finally, you're 20. :D Wish you all the best and lots of love and success!


For some weird reason, I keep on seeing Kasumi everywhere!! XD Oh, before that I want to say that I was wrong. I felt really bad when Kasumi made an apology. She shouldn't have! There's no need. But she did. I don't know if it was management or what not but it showed her professional side. It made me reconsider what I thought previously. There's a boundary between idols' private lives and their careers. I shouldn't let curiosity get in the way. Gotta test that willpower!


I was watching SPEC (Great drama, btw) and then this girl, Miyabi-chan, showed up. "Who is this cute girl?" "I know her from somewhere" "Her face looks sooo familar..." Lol, those kinds of thoughts raced through my head. Then it hit me, it was Kasumi!!


As usually, let's leave things off with a video!

Hikaru's burger looks really good.....but I want to try that blueberry and cream cheese burger more! XD

Thursday 8 August 2013

Tired of What's Up + Taipi's Anan Shoot + Kento as Hachiken?!

I'm tired of Jin's What's Up....after listening to it twice. The full pv, that is. :P 
I like Key to Your Heart  much better. Is it just me or does his voice sound different? Just noticed it sounds raspier.
Well, here's a preview of Taipi's sexy shoot that will blow your mind. Get your tissues ready for any sudden nosebleeds.



I wasn't ready for that, lol. Hot dayum, Taipi. Good job, anan. Good job, newspaper for the preview. After seeing this beautiful picture, all I can say is I'm really excited to see the pictures. He'll be talking about love and sex too, which I'm pretty intrigued to find out.


My first reaction to this was: I. Don't. Want. This. >:0 
I do believe that Kento is a good actor and he's learning really quickly...but I have doubts about him pulling this off. I love the manga so much, it's so light hearted and refreshing and at times intense and just makes you feel all sorts of feelings (just like Mayonaka no Panyasan). Also love the whole agriculture process and the food talk, yum.  I'm protective of Arakawa's work. Yet at the same time, I want to support Kento. I've got to learn to be more open, right? I'll give it an episode or two...

Edit: Found a cm where you can see horses and cows and more. :D

2013.08.07☆銀の匙映画化WS① by ichigocherry

Let's leave things off with a hilarous video of Taiyo's cute failure. I crack up each time I watch it. Seriously made my week though I should be studying instead of being entertained by yayayah.


Sunday 4 August 2013

Replying to Comments 2

Forgive me, I still haven't been able to fix my no-reply blogger problem. m(___)m Will I be forced to reply to comments through a post for the rest of my blogging days?!

I'm also superfan of Inoo Chan, I met him in real in pattaya, Thailand on last march, if you want to know some special moment about him, let me know, i'll be back to share.
NO. WAY. XD You are so lucky!! I've only seen clips of the Thailand meet on youtube. Yes, I would love to know!! Please share. Hehe, I'm really excited now. Thank you so much, fellow Inoo fan~  

Nozomi's mother never dated the doctor. She was held as a patient in the hospital where he worked. This is why the doctor looks so stoic in the photo, he is just having his photo taken with a patient and not a lover. She didn't want Nozomi to know so she didn't leave a return address on the letter.

In the last episode when her phone rings Kurebayashi overhears her talking about coming back on time for the curfew. The psychiatric patients only have limited hours of freedom during the day and they must come back to the hospital at night.
Ah! Thank you for pointing that out. :) It makes sense now! I totally missed that part. You see....while I was watching it, I was doing my homework among other things. I know, I know it's a lousy excuse. 
It makes me really sad that Nozomi and her mother's relationship turned out this way. In the end, she was hurt and Nozomi was hurt. But this does add a whole dimension of depth to this drama. Things aren't what they always seem and little things reveal important aspects of the big picture. 
Nice to meet both of you! Thank you so much for your comments! It really makes my day when I read them. :D 

Saturday 3 August 2013

A Message to Fellow Jumpers...

To the fans that are hurting, I have something to say:

It's fine to hurt because you can choose the people who hurt you. Because Keito is special to you, because Jump is special to you.

Some of you may feel betrayed because he's an idol and an idol should not have relationships. But that's wrong. He can choose to be happy, regardless of being an idol or not. 

Some of you may be heart broken because he's your ideal soulmate. Understand that it doesn't mean that you aren't important to him. Who says that you can't love more than one person? Who says that just because Keito has someone he loves that he can't love the fans too? 

Some of you may feel angry that he's not putting his career first or hurting JUMP. I understand....but a career isn't everything. Although JUMP hasn't been as popular as other groups, they're strong enough to overcome this scandal. 

And some of you may even be angry that people aren't angry at all. People were saying if this was Yamada, it'd be an uproar! Well, possibly. Everyone deals with things differently; if they're not angry, it doesn't mean that Keito isn't as important to them as Yamada. 

There's a part of Keito that we don't know (or never know), a part of him that belongs to someone else entirely. But there's a part of him that belongs to the fans. Not referring to his income, y'all. You fans make Keito feel better by sending in fan letters, by having fun with JUMP at their concerts, by creating communities just to show your support. It's the fans who  make them feel like they're doing something important. "It's thanks to you (the fans) that JUMP exists." I don't remember which JUMP member said that but it's damn true.

Side Note: 2 posts in a day?! It's a miracle that's only happened twice. XD I couldn't focus on studying...Too much on my mind. I saw your comments! I'm still trying to fix my reply problem. Sorry for being a slowpoke. I will reply to you soon~

Let's Talk More About Keito

Now that I've calmed down....I want to write further thoughts on Keito and his girlfriend. 

There were A LOT of people who were angry, sad, and upset that our English Prince had someone special in his heart.(Apparently Keito went to fix his phone and his photos got stolen. Be more careful!!!)

Please don't misunderstand....I'm still really happy for them. I still grin so hard and blush like crazy when I see their pics. XD However, that night, after writing my last post, I didn't listen to a single Jump song. Even though every night I usually listen to them before I go to sleep. Guess I wasn't as okay with the scandal as I initially thought. I wasn't upset with him having a girlfriend but rather I realized something that upset me.

I became sad because there's a side of Keito I never knew. This scandal reminded me there is so much we don't known about idols. It's ironic because I want them to have some privacy and I don't want to know everything about them. No need to tell me what kind of toothpaste you use, Keito. Being a fan is very conflicting, because I want them to be able to enjoy freedom and everything life has to offer BUT at the same time, I like learning more about them! T-T

Is it because of the American culture that I grew up with? In Hollywood, you usually know who's dating who and such. But in Japanese culture, specifically regarding Johnny's, it's different since part of  their popularity rides on the fact that they're the Ideal Boyfriend and if they're single, it's like you have a chance with them. I can't dismiss that there are some American celebrities who fall in the same category as Johnny's but I feel the idol culture is more intense and driven by a certain set of rules (You can't date openly,  You've got to release stuff on a constant basis, You HAVE to follow the rules of entertainment or else you're done etc ). That kind of mentality is changing now as fans become more mature and educated and different sorts of idols are appearing. Hopefully the whole culture of idols will change for the better. Where am I going with this?

Maybe I just want idols to be able to date and if they want, they shouldn't be afraid to date openly. 

Thursday 1 August 2013

Keito's Scandal !!!!!!!!!

I literally just saw these leaked pictures of Keito and his girlfriend, Kasumi. And OH. MY. GOD. My first reaction involved a lot of indescribable words like "asdkjakdkj" and a lot of arm flailing and giggling. XD

But in all seriousness, I'm REALLY happy for him! >O< Yay, I just knew you had a love life Keitoooo! Hohoho, is this why you haven't been spending time with Yamada, Keito? XD

I didn't even know who the girl was. I learned that she's from the morning drama, Ama-chan! :) She's cute, but I want to know more about her now. 

Anyways, the main issue now is what's going to happen to them. My hiatus from the JE fandom was kind of long but I do know about Takaki's scandal. He didn't get booted, thank goodness. Keito might probably get some sort of talk with management but I hope nothing bad happens to him. As for Kasumi, I don't really know how her agency is going to handle this. :/

I want all of JUMP to be happy but I also want them to be safe from the media and crazy fans (apparently Kasumi has some cray cray fans...well there are some cray cray JE fans as well). Everybody likes to have some privacy in their lives. How in the world did people get these pictures? Like seriously....I have no idea unless someone broke into their house and grabbed their phones. Because if I'm not wrong, that's Keito's phone, right? Or unless one of his "supposed" friend took the photos without permission. Trust issues, people. 

I was super happy and excited but the more I wrote, the more worried and unhappy I became for them. I really hope that this won't ruin their relationship. Stay strong, Keito and Kasumi!