You can check the videos out in Arama. Le-B looks the coolest to me. Not a fan of the hat stacking thing
Next....Kisumai's Kimi tono Kiseki's short pv is OUT~! I actually really like this pv, the scenery of the night lit city is really beautiful. Lots of juniors appeared too!! They celebrated Taipi's birthday too. His cake was pretty awesome. This song is getting stuck in my head. *You're my shining star*
きみとのきせき by ichigocherry
Currently....I'm rewatching My Boss My Hero. XD The first time I watched it was in middle school,
It's been 2 days since the release of NEWS, News' new album, (Isn't that a mouthful?) and I've heard a couple of songs and liked them. It's weird that most Johnny's songs are of the pop/rock genre but each group has their own distinct style. News' songs just pump me up and their voices (especially Massu's) are great. But I guess I'll wait for the HK verison (my wallet is thin) and some editions are already out of print!! Congrats, News!!!
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