Wednesday 27 November 2013

Replying to Comments 5

yaelismione said:
I haven't seen this if I didn't click November archive. It's sure hard for you.

I love it:

"That boy...he's dangerous for our hearts"

-----> yeah, surely he is. I haven't find more info about him that's why when I saw your post and it's 2013, I clicked it and I just die. LOL! Thank you so much.

Yup, it's pretty frustrating that I have to reply this way. :( I'm sure a lot of other people missed my reply because of this problem.

I know, right?! There isn't enough info or blogs about Yuya or Jump in general!! It's so sad. :(

Ride With Me~

Jump performed their new song, Ride with me, at the Best Artist something something show. (lol I don't remember the name of the show).

Surprising I didn't like the song at first. I felt like their voices were too sweet for this type of song and the incorporation of dubstep elements was weird. It just didn't blend well together. But the more I listened to the song, the more I liked it. (Now I can't get enough of it!)

2013.11.27☆JUMP ・ Ride With Me by ichigocherry

Here are some of my semi-incoherent thoughts of their performance:

  • The. Dance. Is. So. Good. I love it so much more than Bounce. I love the holding-an-invisible-ball-while-moving-their-hips move. Sorry for the bad description. XD
  • Their outfits! Yes, yes! A million thumbs up from me. 
  • Awesome rapping. More of that in their future songs please.
  • Dai-chan was so into the song. He was the star of the performance. That boy stole my heart (multiple times). 
  • Yaotome looking like a badass. (Also, loving his dark hair. Him and Yuya look great with dark hair!)
  • Yamada's English lines... I think I replayed that part at least 10 times.
  • Yutti's scarf was distracting.
  • Keito finally getting a line. FINALLY! (He sported a spiky hairstyle....nice!)
  • Yabu looking like an angel. No surprise there. :D
  • "Can you ride with me?" YES, YOU BET I CAN! 
Of course, I couldn't forget Inoo. (There's no way I could). 
Inoo had one close up that lasted literally 1 second. And let me tell you that 1 second was all it took for me to melt. He was so cute. Gosh, my screen cap does not do him justice. His smile is the epitome of adorableness.

I was a hot mess after watching this. I'm so glad they have a new single and are moving away from the Coamh image. I hope they keep on releasing new stuff on a somewhat regular basis.

P.S. I will continue my "celebrate Jump's new single by blogging everyday for a week" tradition. So Look forward to that! :D

Saturday 23 November 2013

Replying to Comments 4

yaelismione said:
I also do love Yuya San so much. So much that I could die! haha!!!

At first I like Miura but when I saw him, I was like OMG!!! This guy... surely gives me the feeling of being surrounded by flowers. :-)

Thank you for this post.!
Thank you for your comment and you're welcome! :D

Yuya certainly gives off that aura!!! Well I didn't' have that OMG! effect but he certainly warmed up to me. Now I can't get enough of him. That boy...he's dangerous for our hearts, lol.

Also, I'm sorry I still can't reply directly. I think it's time I just give in and reply through posts. 


Say it isn't so! Someone, hurry hold me! This news means so, so much to me. (Sorry going to go off topic here!)

Recently, I finally realized what I was experiencing in high school and university was an existential crisis. Well, I'm still experiencing it now. It comes and goes. Of late, I've been really depressed. I was feeling so much better before and then suddenly, this crisis just re-arose. Jump's been helping me though. Because of them, I've been able to try harder but sometimes (like now) it's just so hard. T_T BUT THEN, this news came and it made me really happy.

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Inoo and Hikaru, they worked so hard. Congratulations, Hikanoo! How long has it been since both of them had a drama? Especially Inoo! T_T I'm so proud of them. Finally it's time for a new Jump generation. Both of them are working hard for Jump and it makes me feel hopeful that one day I can achieve my dreams too.

The drama is called "Dark System - Battle of Love" (news gathered from here: duracell--bunny). The plot is confusing...I don't really get it. I think it's one of those dramas I have to watch to understand. Anyways Tina also co-stars. She was in arama a while back due to backlash on the internet. The Reason? She liked Sakurai and wasn't afraid to show it. Some fans are just... >.>

Apparently the rumour is that Inoo's playing a blind pianist. The role seems tough, considering that he's only had a small role in a drama 7 years ago. Well, I know he'll be alright. :) I think I will freak out more when I see him in a cm or something...even if it's only for a fraction of a second.

Dark System will start airing next year in January with Hikaru as the lead. Goodness gracious, will I be able to handle so much Hikaru? I totally freaked out in Ikemen Desu Ne despite Tama and Taipi having more screen time. (Everytime Hikaru appeared, I swear I just cried at his perfection, lol). But...

JUST BRING IT ON! I'm ready to release my Hikanoo feels.

Heh, one of the parts I'm most excited about is behind the scenes of the drama. (If they ever release one). Oh, and the magazine shoots and tv appearances. It's going to be a wonderful year.

Saturday 16 November 2013


Say what? Is this really true? Somebody pinch me, please! Oh gosh, HSJ will be releasing their new single "Ride with me" on CHRISTMAS DAY! I can't believe my eyes because I honestly wasn't expecting it. I know there was going to be a new Kindaichi special but it didn't cross my mind that Jump would be singing the theme song. Yes stop judging me. I totally forgot about it.

2013.11.13☆every ・ 金田一少年 by ichigocherry
I can't wait to hear it and I can't wait to see the covers. Come on a my house's were kind of..... Let's just say it wasn't their best cover. But I'm so excited for the next songs and karaoke and dvd and special booklet.

Preorders are up at YesAsia and CDJapan. :)

The song's supposed to be a cool dance there's hope that the dance will be as awesome as Beatline or Bounce. It's also written by M-Flo (not too sure about that). I thought their new song will be in the background of the cm/promo but I guess we'll have to wait until later to hear it.

Putting my inner fan aside, this is really good news for them. Finally, they're beginning to release more stuff and become more active. Inoo and Yabu's got their semi-regular tv appearance, Yuto acted in a mega-popular drama, Yuya's got 2 dramas up his sleeve, Chinen's doing well himself although the drama itself is boring,   and they recently released their concert dvd.

The bad side of this is that I can't handle so much glorious Jump! While I'm waiting for my dvd to arrive. I watched a clip of their Zenkoku e Jump and THERE IS SO MUCH MORE INOO THAN I EXPECTED. He's been neglected with screen time and now there's more than 2 seconds of him, I'm just at a loss for words. This is wonderful but so so bad for my fan heart.

ALSO Yuto battled against Okura in a takodrum game (i have no idea what it's called!). I saw a set of gifts here ( and he looked so cute. Unforunately, Yuto did not win again Okura but it was a gallant try. Johnny's are one talented bunch of people, they never cease to impress me. :D

Friday 8 November 2013

It's Time for a ... Shokura Review! (November 6, 2013)

Whoaa. I haven't watched a full episode of Shokura since... JULY! O___O  For the past few months, I felt like shokura was getting less interesting but after watching this episode, I was like " THIS IS WHY I WATCH SHOUNEN CLUB!" It's just so much fun, I feel like the dances, song choices, transitioning, and everything about the show has improved.

First off, can I just say that Shori makes some of the most adorable faces!! I tried to make an emoticon out of his face.....does he look like it?! Well, Kind of....

The theme of the episode was color (or colour....Sorry it's the Canadian in me). Keito and Yabu were the hosts and oh dear, Keito was so good looking and Yabu was looking at Keito so sweetly. Kill me slowly now feels. 

Moving on, we had tons of great performances. Some juniors made mistakes a few of the dances but it's okay. Their performances were great overall. Everyone had so much energy and it really showed. Might I add, there was quite a bit of fanservice. Whoever was filming the show had something in mind, let's just leave it at that. There was that moment between Kento and Jesse...

Omg there was a dance game where they had to dance for exactly 30 seconds (without a watch of course!) and whoever was the closest won. They all amazed me as most of them landed very close in the 30 second range. But the person who amazed me the most was Jinguji. He should have won for his "crying" face. XD Gorgeous, let me tell you. 

Moving on, Casey Anderson did a magic trick and I still can't figure it out! He's good!!! He let Totsu and Fumito chose a card and immediately knew which card it was. I think he was doing something when he turned his back to them. 

Last but not least, we have Noon Boyz doing something with Fumito and Tsuka. I never really had an interest in Noon Boyz....I just kind of knew them. But the HUG!!! That hug made me switch into my inner fan mode. I'm really curious about Yuki now, he's adorable and reminds me of Daiki.  

Side Note: I'm glad to see Juri's not gettting pushed back. He rapped a bit in the beginning of the show and seems to be doing ok. Also, I feel as if Kento's going to be the next big Johnny's star....but that's just me.

Saturday 2 November 2013

New Tackey & Yuya Drama + Morimoto's New Show + Snow Dome + Shokura Clip

Have you been watching any of this season's dramas? I've dropped a lot of them after the first episode. I tried watching Goro's, Nakamaru's and Nagase's drama and tons of others. However there's nothing that's interesting or exciting or different enough. I'm only currently watching Legal High 2 (which is a trainwreck I should stop) and 49 (which you should go and see if you haven't already). Despite being the huge JE fan that I am, I can't even bring myself to watch Yuri's or Kame's drama.


That being said, I'm looking forward towards Tackey and Yuya's new police/justice/vigilante drama. The plot seems okay but I'm really happy to see Yuya acting again. I really enjoy watching him on screen! Tackey also impressed me in Mayonaka no Panyasan. Read more about it at jenewsdaily. (Also, this is random but I think the guy between Tackey and Yuya played Dan sensei from Gakuen Q)

On the topic of tv, Morimoto got himself a regular spot on Mousorisuto. I remember getting all excited because his last name and the show's name are similar, so I thought they based the show's name off him, lol. XD It's not subbed yet so I've only really seen gifs of it on tumblr. (Check out  fuckyeahshintaro for awesome gifs) Shintaro became tanned!


Kismai's getting another single....yet again! I don't care for Luv sick but Snow Dome no Yakusoku is REALLY good. Whoever composes their ballads/R&B songs...Good on you! The dance doesn't really fit the song.....but the christmas-y scenery is nice.

2013.10.30☆Darkness + Mysterious Dance by ichigocherry

Leaving things off with an awesome Shokura clip. Yuma and juniors perform Darkness! (echoes darkness, darkness). Bakaleya6 minus Jesse and Hokuto perform Mysterious Dance. (Please debut! Lately I've been getting too worried).