Sunday 16 June 2013

It's Time for a ... Shokura Review! (June 12, 2013)

Well, Hello there! ^^ I haven't been blogging consistently, so I decided to change that. I'm hoping to have new posts twice every week. Good luck to me.

I've watched the Shokura for this week and it's really GOOD! :D It'd be nice if there were english subs because I don't understand anything. But alas, when a fan is deprived of new content, raw videos are the way out. I made a few screencaps along with some commentary. ^^ Enjoy!

Now... Are you ready for some HSJ bonding  fanservice?

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the Jesse/Hokuto pairing but THIS PERFORMANCE WAS AMAZING. It seriously reminded me of the good ol' Kat-tun days. They give off the same vibe. ^^ 
I really recommend watching this!! Jesse's intro is so good and Hokuto showcases his high pitch! (I mistaken one of the backdancer as Shintaro. Oops, goes off to find out that junior's name...) This is why I fail as a fan. =_=;;

ALSO, Shori has a new single! :D Here's to hoping that a new album's coming out soon.
(But where's Sou and Marius?) They've been absent A LOT.

The quality of the videos don't give the performances justice. I also enjoyed A.B.C-Z's new song and Jump's COAMH! Everyone's so happy in this episode~

This episode was very solid....and very enjoyable if you are a shipper of sorts. I'll be looking forward to the next one!

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