Sunday 30 June 2013

Does Daiki really smoke?

EDIT: Well...the picture doesn't exist anymore. So it was a fake. >:( 

Yay, I made it through half of COAMH week. Woot, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it but here we are! However, this post is going to be slightly serious.

I wasn't going to talk about the anniversary of the day HSJ lost a member because it really hurts to do so. (They will always be 10 to me, but officially stated by the jimusho Jump is 9). However when I came across this picture of Daiki "supposedly" smoking...


I'm not sure if it is photoshopped because his lips look a bit off and his hand position looks uncomfortable not that I tried to position my hand like  Many people are saying that IS photoshopped. OR it could be someone who looks like Daiki. Honestly, I don't think it's him.

I accepted both Hika and Yuya's smoking fairly quickly. I still love them both just the same as before.


HOWEVER, I'm still worried about their health and careers. They have packed schedules and feeling sick one day may affect their entire week of scheduling. And don't get me started on the effects on the lungs and the worse case, DEATH....

But if it really is him and if it isn't photoshopped, I'm ok with it. I don't like that smoking deteriorates their health (or anyone's health for that matter). But I don't want idols to dedicate their entire lives to their fans, they have a choice in what they want to do in private and people smoke for all kinds of reasons.

And this brings me to the case of Ryuu... It hurts to see other members smoking when one of their members was suspended for underage smoking. I know it was Ryuu's decision to go against the law and that Hika, Yuya, and Daiki are legal adults. But Daiki's picture reminded me of Ryuu and I got this strange, sad feeling.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Need Some Johnny's Entertainment Blogs to Follow? Come on a my blog~

You know, I'm always under the dilemma of finding things to do in the JE fandom. It's not that there isn't a lot. There is but I like to be updated (very frequently) and sometimes it's hard to find older stuff as links are down etc, etc.

But I thought it'd be helpful if I complied a list of a couple of blogs I follow. :3

Never Ending Music Power
  • Blogs about Shokura, Kisumai...basically JE related things. I really love her history of johnny's. It's so interesting to read about the founding of JE, the history of older groups, and solo artists~
  • Best thing is she blogs VERY frequently (daily but now she's a busy, so it's not daily but still very often)
  • Does reviews on dramas, Arashi shows, Shokura, Johnny's juniors, CD rankings, Drama rankings etc.
  • There's lots of screencaps to enjoy. ^^ And he reviews episode by episode!
  • Frequent updates ftw 
  • Doesn't update on a regular basis BUT she is a youtuber! Yay! She makes videos about everything from concert tips to cd reviews to vlogs. Check out her videos! 
  • Not to mention she's a huge Massu fan 
  • She usually talks about Kanjani8, Tegomass, Japanese fashion and more~
  • She is the definition of an Idol she literally follows tons of idol groups (of which includes H!P) She talks more about girl idol groups other than Johnny's but she does blog about Kisumai and HSJ.
  • On the downside, she hasn't updated for a while... T^T I wonder what's happened to her? 
  • Her Johnny's Tag is wonderful! 
  • Does the title need more explanation? XD
  • It's literally ALL the latest news and gossip about every Johnnies you can think of!
Ok that's it for now...It always makes me happy when I discover a new blog! I shall find some more soon. To finish things off, here's a wonderful and awfully short  video of Yuto asking what a kiss tastes like. Commence squealing.

P.S. None of the sites have downloads etc. 

Friday 28 June 2013

First Thoughts of Mayonaka no Panya-san!


Honestly I'm not too familiar with T&T or B.A.D. I remember seeing Kiriyama in my 2007 wink-up magazine, he was in gokusen, right? ^^ As for Tacky, I've only heard great things about him. He seems like a nice senpai!

The drama, Mayonaka no Panyasan or Midnight Bakery, is about guessed it...a bakery only open at midnight! (Actually it's open from 11pm to 5am) It's a very heart warming drama that heals your soul. The actors are good and the plot is actually based on several characters, whose lives are intertwined somehow.

At first, it seems like your typical drama where they focus on one type of bread (ex melon pan in the first ep) and how things always seem better with food. BUT MnP has a lot of deep and intense themes shown in a different light. Yes, there's the loss of a loved one, a love triangle, and bullying and peeping and cross-dressing and parents leaving their children etc but the characters are so believable and fresh. The music is awesome, especially the ending by Chara (God, I love her voice and music!). The episodes often leave with cliffhangers (of how it ties into another character's story) but leave you with just enough satisfaction that you don't feel the urge to watch episode after episode. It's good 'cause I can watch an episode a day and take my time to enjoy all of the wonder MnP has to offer.

The main girl, Nozomi, likes being alone and she justifies it in a way I could totally relate to. And her backstory is based on a common happening (in shoujo manga and dramas) where her mom left her alone in the house to go see her lovers. But the actress is really good at not making me feel bored (lol). She's so cute when she's with the little kid~ Ah, they're like brothers and sisters!! >W<

And there's so much good food to watch. The crisp crust of the bread, the fluffiness of the cream, the softness of the dough....Can you tell I love food? lol.  It really made me want to eat bread or go visit a quaint bakery like Boulangerie Kurebayashi.

In short, go check out this drama! ^^ I'm sure it'll heal your soul as well!

Thursday 27 June 2013

A New Era for Inoo and Keito?!

To celebrate Jump's new single, I decided to make it COAMH week! ....which means I will blog every single day for a week. Whew, can I actually keep this promise?! >W< I hope so!

Anyhoo, the first topic I've chosen is going to be:

**It's Inoo and Keito's Time to Shine!**


BANZAI! Management is now sort of pushing them onto the spotlight. They got so much exposure in the COAMH pv!

Although Yamachii was in front of Inoo, Inoo was still in a prime position....which means that management has either finally realized his potential or that they wanted to separate the 3 most popular members or something else. Inoo's new spot is surprising but what's more surprising is Keito's position.

Keito is the middle between Yuto and Yuya. Since Yuto has a drama, I would assume he would have a prime position (you know for promotion and stuff) but no, Keito's in the center. But....Yuto got to walk down the room with Daiki (which is also an interesting change) instead of just walking alone like Chinen and Yamada did. Anyways, I'm really happy for Keito! He got so much screen time and he was so CUTE! 

I've noticed that Inoo and Keito are shinme (person who dances on the opposite side) when they perform COAMH for sc and tv appearances. When they perform, they get a lot more close ups than before. This is good. Fufufu ^^

In addition, both of them have been more active in appearing on tv. Inoo's being marketed as the Meji graduate, which is good. Good on him for using his university degree to his advantage. He deserves to be known for his hard work. :D 

Keito's being marketed, as usual, as Okamoto's son...which I don't mind but there's so much more to Keito than just being a Johnny's son debut. 

So, overall the impression that I get is that management wants equal coverage of all the members. This is what they should of done in the first place. The strength of JUMP is the number of members and their teamwork. They should do much more individual work, to let the name of JUMP be known.

If Jump wants to gain more fans or survive in this tough market (with new groups popping every second), they need to utilize all of the members. Inoo has a huge huge fan base, especially overseas. Dude, if management gives more screen time for Inoo, they would be so so happy. And Keito, they really should use his English skills more often. Seriously. Think of all the more exposure they could get!!! 

That said, I truly believe that it's time for a new era for Inoo and Keito, not only because they deserve it but because it is essential for the future of JUMP. 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

COAMH Full PV Commentary

Why, hello there. Are you ready for some more of my crazy-ass bolded absuive capslock comments?
^^;; I tried to keep calm about it but when it comes to JUMP, there is no calm....there is only MADNESS.
Ok, let's carry on from where the short PV ended.

First we have Yama-chan getting a phone and going "WOW!"

WOW IS RIGHT~ Ikemen desu ne...
Sorry about my timing. Well this is due to my horrible timing in taking screen shots.
At least you have a wonderful picture of Yamachan yawning and still looks beautiful. XD

P.S. We come in millions... (at least I think there are at least a million tobikkos out there) >.>

So shocked that Hika dropped his tennis ball. Yabu looks cute, as always. 

Yuto looks scared here...probably because Yamachan agreed to letting the jumping girl to come over and Yuto knows IT'S NOT GOING TO BE JUST ONE PERSON COMING OVER. 

Takaki's got the "OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT" face.
Inoo's got the "SAY WHAT?!" face.
Daiki looks petrified. 

Damn it, Keito. XD I wasn't fast enough, so now you closed your eyes. But Chinen's pretty chill about the jumping girl coming over.... 

Keito making the bed is honestly really heart-warming for some reason.
And he does it in one go. <3

...thrown by the mischief makers, Chinen and Yuto. Hahaha XD

This is cute on so many levels.

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Some items look awfully familiar....Hmmm ;) 
*points to Chinen and Inoo and Yamada*
Also, Hikaru with the dog is really interesting. Why are you okay with dogs but not cats? XD 

Inoo's sleeping face is adorbs.
I'm sorry I can't help it that I have an Inoo bias.

*Does some serious flailing in my room*

But this is improvement. Inoo, if I haven't mentioned this before. Since you've graduated, I'm hoping you'll get more screen time and more tv exposure.

Yuto trying to do the cute heart hand thing and failing. At least they hugged it out later (didn't take screencaps for that though). 

DAI-CHAN, Stop wedging yourself between Yuto and Hikaru.
You're so cute. I can't even comprehend your level of adorableness. Yuto and Hikaru have competition in the position of niban. ^^;;

He was so hyper, it was super adorable. Look at Yabuhika moving away from the hyper monster. lol

Hehehe, if Jump welcomed anyone into their house like that......they wouldn't be able to refuse. 

My screencap skills are not at the level of an expert's. So I missed some great parts like when the arigatou costume or when Yuto and Keito hugged while jumping.

Last time I swear I used the word "cute" 123406839 times and now this makes it 10290453583958 times. Just kidding. But it's true that my comments are extremely cheesy. I apologize. At least I'm expanding my vocabulary...I'm using (variations of) adorable now.

P.S. Buy the single, it's worth every penny. :D 

Friday 21 June 2013

Happy Birthday, Inoo Kei! :D

Where do I begin? Ok, I'm panicking over here because there are so many things I want to say and so many things I just can't put into words. Ok, ok... First off....


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, INOO KEI! You're officially 23 years old but you don't look a day over 18. Seriously, thank you Mr. Inoo and Mrs. Inoo for bringing one of the most handsome and wonderful human beings to life.

Is that his father? I'm not sure. >.>

I've never thought I'll be so happy about someone else's birthday but it really is a joy to celebrate yours. Although it was Mitsu who brought me back into the JE fandom, it was YOU who made me stay. Your charm swept me away. It was something about the way you laughed: the way your eyes would lean to the side and the way your cheekbones would show.


It was your weird humour and randomness that always kept me laughing, smiling, and wanting to know more about you. I never met someone quite like you, a lovable weirdo who wasn't afraid to be himself.

                      Josiah Librada
You work so hard and you're so honest from what I can tell in your magazine translations, ctc. I saw that you were working hard for your job and for your education. I was surprised because I never really gave my all in everything. I'll work harder so I can be someone as admirable as you!


Your voice is the reason I developed a voice fetish. XD Your do I describe's really calming and unique. It's so INOO-CENT (Please deal with my horrible pun making). And your laugh is really contagious. The way your shoulders move up and down and your teeth show. If you laugh, I will definitely laugh (or smile because your humour is weird yo).


I'm glad I met you. (Well, I'm never met you in person but...more like discovered your existence. lol) You made me feel like there's someone in the world who is wholly good. You're not perfect. You make mistakes just like everyone else but I just feel that you are a very good person, someone who I look up to, someone who can cheer me up when I'm sad, someone who gave me a bigger dream to achieve. So THANK YOU for being born into this world. Happy Birthday, Inoo Kei. I really hope you have a good one and many, many more to come.

This turned out to be a weird, unorganized letter to Inoo. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

It's Time for a ... Shokura Review! (June 12, 2013)

Well, Hello there! ^^ I haven't been blogging consistently, so I decided to change that. I'm hoping to have new posts twice every week. Good luck to me.

I've watched the Shokura for this week and it's really GOOD! :D It'd be nice if there were english subs because I don't understand anything. But alas, when a fan is deprived of new content, raw videos are the way out. I made a few screencaps along with some commentary. ^^ Enjoy!

Now... Are you ready for some HSJ bonding  fanservice?

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the Jesse/Hokuto pairing but THIS PERFORMANCE WAS AMAZING. It seriously reminded me of the good ol' Kat-tun days. They give off the same vibe. ^^ 
I really recommend watching this!! Jesse's intro is so good and Hokuto showcases his high pitch! (I mistaken one of the backdancer as Shintaro. Oops, goes off to find out that junior's name...) This is why I fail as a fan. =_=;;

ALSO, Shori has a new single! :D Here's to hoping that a new album's coming out soon.
(But where's Sou and Marius?) They've been absent A LOT.

The quality of the videos don't give the performances justice. I also enjoyed A.B.C-Z's new song and Jump's COAMH! Everyone's so happy in this episode~

This episode was very solid....and very enjoyable if you are a shipper of sorts. I'll be looking forward to the next one!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Come On A My House Short Verison! :D

Yes, I know you all probably have watched it already but...

COMAH PV (hd) IS OUT! I was in tears when I saw this (I'm not even sure
Maybe because Inoo and Keito got much more screen time or maybe because Yuto looked so adorable holding that dog or maybe because Chinen looks really good in a suit or maybe because they look so happy.
Here are some gorgeous screencaps and my abusive capslock comments:


OMG YABU, YOU ARE SO CUTE, hug hika like that too

CHINEN JUST SLAYED ME WITH HIS KILLER LOOKS. Stop looking so good, you're giving tobikkos nosebleeds okay...

And is Keito reading an English newspaper? >u< It says "New India (Beaver?) park targets rising  (something something lol). 



Inoo, stop being so adorable. Though I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY you get more screen time.


I'M WORRIED TOO....*coughs* for the health of my heart *coughs*

If dancing with a spoon isn't the definition of cute, I don't know what is.


I said it and I'll say it again. IT'S CRIMINAL TO BE SO CUTE.

It is so hard to pause at the right time to screen cap all the good moments. ^^;; (Sorry for all the edits.. the more I watch it, the more screencaps I take). Okay, That should be the last of the screen caps BUT just wait to the full pv, then I'll really go crazy! XD

Apparently, they used a lot of  old costumes, props and other mementos. A lot of people have been talking about Yabu holding Arigato's costume, jump's debut scroll thing etc. It's not the best quality but you can see it in the zip preview:

I should probably talk about Kisumai and other JE groups soon....So it doesn't seem like my mind is full of JUMP because that's not true at all.....I think?