Thursday 6 March 2014

I'm back from Hiatus...

Sorry I left without mentioning anything... It's been quite a while! Well, you can probably guess why I haven't been able to post anything since the beginning of February. (No, it's not entirely due to my laziness). School has been super busy and I got into the habit of not blogging. That's going to change! I'm going to post more hopefully.

While I was gone, so many things happened:
  • Jin left Johnny's?!!!! 
  • Ryuu graduated?!!! (plus other jrs...)
  • Inoo's in another drama?! So is Yabu?!
  • Yuto's long interview came out?!
  • Some other things that I forgot... :P

Starting off with Jin (who I can write an entire essay about him and JE and their whole management relationship)... I was really surprised to hear the news. It's always been my impression that if you're a johnny's, you're going to remain a johnny's for the rest of your life. And that's really wrong of me to think like that. People want to do different things and sometimes that will lead to a break up. A good break up will help both parties become stronger and better people. So to keep things short and simple, I'm pretty excited to see what Jin does with his career (especially if it involves him going overseas and doing more collabs with other artists).

Ryuuuuutaro...Everyone's little hamster has just graduated high school. What will he do next? Go to university? Get a job? Take a year off? Return to HSJ? The questions are endless and I really wish the last option will happen....but that's not my decision. I just hope we get some news on him. If he doesn't do any JE activities soon after graduation, then.......that will be my final closure. T_T

CONGRATULATIONS TO YABU!!! I'm so happy he got a leading role! I've missed Yabu's acting~ He's going to be forensic scientist. The drama's supposed to be like CSI. 
I like CSI. I like Yabu. How can I not enjoy this drama? XD (Lots of things but I'm trying to be optimistic here..)

Congratulations to Inoo! Who knew he dyed his hair for a drama? If that's the case, then I hope he dyes his hair more often... lol. I quite enjoyed his acting in Dark System. Not bad, Mr. Kei, not bad at all. 

(Yeah, Yutti! You go kick those insecurities away!!) XD Yuto's 1000 character interview came out and seriously those interviews need a warning sign. "Before you read this, you might need a box of tissues and prepare your heart for some serious feels". Lol, I didn't cry but I was very touched by Yuto's growth. Everyone noticed when Yuto and Yama switched positions for the "coveted" center. I just never realized how much Yuto was hurting in the past because I always see him smiling and being goofy these days. My appreciation for him went up 10000 levels. >.<

Here's a funny video of Marius' face getting hit by confetti. Hope it gets a laugh out of you! :D 

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