Thursday 13 March 2014

HSJ at the Grammy's?! + Yuto and Nino's Drama

Edit: I found out that they actually did go to the Grammy's!!! 0_0 Whoa, that's so cool! 

Ok I am a really gullible person. I believe things pretty with the fake photo of Dai-chan smoking and Miyata's so-called cheating on Tama. So I've become more skeptical. But I really want to believe that Yamada, Daiki and Yuto went to the Grammy's. They did go to the US for dance lessons around that time and it really does look like them!!!!


THIS IS FREAKING INCREDIBLE!! I'm sorry to hear that they were bored is awesome they got to go to such a cool event. I can't tell who they sat next to but the fact that they could see awesome actors, actresses, directors, producers at such a close range is pretty sick.

I'm hoping that more photos will come up....what if they were in the background of some photos? Imagine they're just casually talking to each other behind Ellen while she's smiling for the camera. I think my heart would explode...I'm barely managing the fact they (possibly) went to the Grammy's.


Also, I totally forgot about Yuto's drama, Yowakute mo katemasu. Congrats, Yuto!!! He has been in lots of top notch dramas...Glad to see his acting career is going well. :) Nino's in the drama too so this probably means Yuto will appear in Arashi's tv shows. It'd be cool if he guest stars in VS Arashi. (Keito's ex-girlfriend is acting in the drama, too!) Yuto will be a baseball player...Speaking of which, Kame's going to be a baseball player in his new movie!

Whenever I watch this Arashi video, I laugh. It must hurt but Arashi's balloon popping methods are too funny. Please enjoy! XD (Not sure if I posted this video I'm getting forgetful about which videos I've posted.)

Niea Triestine
P.S. Jump also announced their new tour!!! Yay, this means more footage and fanservice....and maybe new songs! XD

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