Saturday 18 October 2014

It's been a while...

It's be, like what, 3 months? I just haven't been in the habit of blogging and now that's school's started...I have been so busy. Not only that but I kind of haven't been following the fandom as much. Don't get me wrong, I still know what's happening and heard different kinds of rumours  (cough, takaki). But I haven't felt as excited as I used to be. Is this the slump that every fan faces? I'm sure I still love JUMP a whole lot but I need some time to figure out what I want to do. This fandom can be sometimes unhealthy and maybe some distance will do me good?

I don't know if I will continue this blog. Heck, I don't know what I had for breakfast this morning.
But I do know that I will continue to be a Jumper.

Whether I do continuing blogging or not, I'm really happy to have shared my adventures in the JE fandom with you. I was really happy when people commented,  I was really happy to meet you all. So, thank you for sticking with me for this past year.

Maybe we'll see each other in the future? If not, I'm sure we'll be okei.


I had to use that pun just once more! XD

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Arioka Daiki: The Chibi With The Big Heart

I hope Daiki doesn't get mad if I call him a chibi. ^^;; My first impression of Daiki was he was really good looking. He has this adorable baby face and looks so happy all the time. My favourite part of him (looks-wise) is his neck. You may be thinking WHAT! But I think his neck is really nice and just the right size in proportion to his face. (lol, I'm sure now some of you are judging me).


Besides my weird appreciation for Daiki's neck, the best thing about him is his big heart. Out of all the members in JUMP, I always thought he was the most aware of other people. He's always looking out for the members. I mean he can be a little oblivious sometimes but he notices changes in people at the important times. I guess this could be why he gets along with everyone. Takaki and Inoo weren't that close in the past and still aren't bffs with each other even now. However, Daiki's always had this impression he was friends with everyone. In the past, he went out of his way to make the other members more comfortable with each other. In interviews, he always talks about how he goes out to eat or shop or just do stuff with other members. Although he's especially close to Yamada and BEST.


Daiki may be one of the older JUMP members but he's still one of the silliest. He gets overly excited about certain things and is curious about learning things (yes, that includes entertainment gossip). Sometimes he's a little too hyper and careless. The way he reacted in Jumparty 1 was so childish and cute. And he's usually just fooling around in the Making-Of pvs.

carolim08's channel

I know he kind of has this image of being an angel because of his adorable face, sweet voice and happy-go-lucky personality. But in reality, he's a carnivore~ I read a translation from shimukendou on Livejournal, and it said he describes himself as being a "rolled cabbage". I find this gap to be very interesting.


He's expressed lots of interest in music and acting. So I hope he gets to continue to get more behind-scenes-work like producing more music for JUMP or do more rapping in their songs. If he's really passionate and keeps working hard at it, it'll become his strength. I'm sure that a talent like that will help JUMP even more. I mean he's crazy about music (particularly western music). He knows lots of artists that I never even heard about. Plus he's recently practicing being a DJ! XD


Keep staying ridiculously cute and ridiculously childish, Dai-chan! And keep challenging yourself to new things! And keep giving lots of love to the other JUMP members! It's so much fun shipping you and other members.


Only one more person left to go. (Okei, you can do this). It's taken me over a year to write a post about 9 members.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Jump becomes Weekenders~

Weekender is Jump's newest single and it's the theme song for Yamada and Daiki's drama, Kindaichi. I. AM. SO. EXCITED. FOR. THIS. SINGLE. Let's put Yamada's beautiful light blonde hair aside for one second. Weekender is such a great single. The song is 10x better than Ai no Arika. Everyone gets to sing. Everyone looks so happy. All is good in the world.

[JUMP 新曲] ウィークエンダー Hey! Say! JUMP by KissTube

Onward with the screenshots. Of course, we have Yamada being all awesome and flaunting his new hair. It looks great. I love the change and seriously, let's face it. Every jumper's been waiting for this moment.

Then Daiki starts rapping. He looks so cool, right? My screenshot abilities are out of this world. (Just joking). But seriously, his rapping skills have gotten better! 

Yuto made Yabu smile. :)

The dance looks like so much fun. Yuto's about to fly off somewhere. XD

Yabu has this incredible smirk and it just killed my heart.

It's blurry but it's wonderful. Inoo and Chinen have the "O" face. Takaki and Inoo have their arms on each other. Yabu is literally the letter "Y". Hikaru's acting all cool and stuff. Daiki, Yamada, and Keito are posing. And then we have....Yuto. He's out of control. XD I love it when he's really hyper.

Have you seen Busaiku's new pv? I'm not even going to try to spell out the name. The video is weird. The song is weird. Where does Nakai get these weird ideas? @_@

てぃーてぃーてぃーてれって てれてぃてぃてぃ~だれのケツ~ -short ver... by KissTube

Saturday 5 July 2014

Silver Hair Yamada and Bald Chinen

Arama isn't dead anymore!! Which means more translations about the latest news!! Which means I just read that Yamada will star in a movie with fellow Johnny's, Ikuta Toma! ^^ Who's excited?! (Raises hand)


There 3 majors things to be excited about!
1) Rumour is that Yamada dyed his hair SILVER?! (No pics yet so....we shall wait and see)
2) Yamada using a knife (Yamada's acting been lacking in the action department. I can't wait to see his fighting skills)
3) Bromance between Yamada and Ikuta

The title of the movie is "Grasshopper" and basically Ikuta's girlfriend gets killed and he goes on an undercover journey to find the killer and get revenge. He will meet Yamada (whose character's name translate to Cicada) and I don't know if they will become friends or enemies? Hopefully the first outcome.

This isn't going to come out until next the wait begins. News from AramaJapan.

On the opposite side of the hair spectrum, Chinen has gone bald.  Just kidding, it's a bald cap. It looks obviously fake though... >.> Got the news and pic from hana-des! :D

Also it's official. Yuto's blonde now. He looks so different?! He's in a speedo and he's blonde and he's so fit. It's an overload of feelings.

Photo: ahm, I'm not even gonna say anything about what i think about this.

just.... (faint laughing)

just so you know he looks like this. lololol. let's all check this july 12~ xD

(c) 1130yuiMomoHSJ.yutonakajima

I don't remember if I showed this video before but it's still hilarious as ever. Yamada's a beautiful crier.


Monday 23 June 2014


Ok first things first. I have to congratulate Inoo on his 24th birthday! Actually I'm a bit late...I totally forgot his birthday. I'm terrible with birthdays, so I didn't even congratulate the other members. But let's put my epic fails aside, ok? ^^

Inoo, please stay as quirky and adorable as you are! Hope you had the greatest birthday and got to eat lots of delicious food. I hope you get lots of awesome jobs like the chance to host a variety show where you can eat all the food you want. You did say you joined Johnny's for food, right? XD I can't believe you're 24 now and you still look as cute as ever. Did Nino tell you some tips on how to look young? Lol.

There's a rumour going on that Yuto dyed his hair blonde for his drama about water polo. The photo is from tuantalizing. I read from asianwiki that the filming starts this month, so the timing is just right. It really does look like Yuto but the quality isn't that I guess we will have to wait and see.  Was it Hikaru who went blonde first? I don't remember but I know Yamada and Inoo have~ Maybe the rest of JUMP will follow suit!

Ok I'm always telling you people to be careful not to get nosebleeds. But seriously! This time, get a big box of tissues because there is a cm for Suikyuu Yankees (aka the drama Yuto and Takaki are starring in). It's just one single picture but it is glorious on so many levels. I know Yuto's supposed to look intimidating but he just looks like he's pouting. It's quite cute! XD It's so nice to hear his voice in the cm! Takaki is his rival, I think. So that's why he's wearing a different coloured cap.

水球ヤンキース☆予告 by ichigocherry

I talked about Kisumai's Seven Journey last time and this week, the short ver. pv for 3.6.5 came out! I don't get the storyline at all. Kisumai is chased by a bunch of males and then they randomly using facial cream?! What The?! At least, it's more interesting than Seven Journey, both the song and pv that is.

3.6.5 -short ver.- Kis-My-Ft2 by KissTube

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Yabu Smokes?! + s3art Album Release + Seven Journey

I've done it again. Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. T_T Shocking things seem to happen whenever I'm away from the internet. Yabu's at it again...Well it's more like his previous scandal related drama is continuing. There's shocking pictures leaked supposedly by his now ex-girlfriend. They broke up last this is old news? It's new news to me. @_@

You can see Yabu smoking and kissing. I'm pretty conflicted since he's an adult and can make his own decisions but he needs to be careful with who he can trust. He's still an idol, so he does have an image to protect. I'm not upset at him having a girlfriend or kissing but rather at him smoking. >.>

Anyways I've been getting my news from hana-des and tekito-love because Arama is dead and other JE fan sites haven't talked about it yet. You can read more about the situation there.

In other news, s3art was released!!! Yay!!! Finally!! A lot of fans have been waiting for more fabulous Jump music to enjoy and dance to and sing along to. This album is their most mature album yet. There's really cute songs like "Ready Go"and mature songs like "Forever". It's the best of both worlds. You have to watch the pv for "Forever" (it's basically footage from their concert). Their outfits are sooooo cool!

Still not in love with the flower print suits but the dance is adorable! >w<

Ready Go Hey! Say! JUMP by KissTube

Kis-My-Ft2's releasing their 3rd album soon (July 2)! I'm so stoked. Their past albums have been so good and I really am in need for more Kisumai songs~ Their pv for Seven Journey isn't as interesting compared to their other ones but the song is nice. I want to see more of their dance scenes but close-ups aren't bad either.

Seven Journey -short ver.- Kis-My-Ft2 by KissTube

Monday 2 June 2014


I haven't updated in a while, sorry! (It seems like I'm always apologizing for not updating, lol). Before I was in school, so I was busy. Now I'm working 2 jobs, so I'm busy once again. T_T My personal life aside, lots of things have happened in the JUMP fandom.

First, let's talk about the S3ART album covers. I really don't like the makes me cringe a bit. I don't think it's very smart to choose s3art. (I'll stop trying to be witty). The outfits are a step down from Ride with Me but better than the weird quilted ones from Come On A My House. And I don't like the design of all three editions.

I may not be a huge fan of the colour schemes they chose for LE 1 and 2 but the regular edition outfits look good. Inoo's colour scheme remind me of his outfit in Over. Yamada's floral print blouse and white blazer looks amazing. Keito's outfit also stands out. Yuya and Daiki's combination......Not as amazing. But that's just my personal taste. :/


Next, I heard from hana-des who heard from hikarurin1412 that Yamada's father works for a Roast Meat Restaurant. I guess Yamada's dreams are now reality. He can eat all the delicious meat he wants  for free! (just kidding....I'm sure he pays). But it wouldn't surprise me if Yamada's father slips him a few extra slices of meat. XD The name of the restaurant isn't mentioned but it is located in Shibuya. So for those in the area, see if you can find the restaurant~

(Ok so the picture below is not him at the's just a random pic that happens to have Yamada with a plate of food that may or may not be meat, lol.)


I'm saving the best for last....(and I know it's old news but..) Yuya and Yuto are starring in a drama and the best part's about water polo. Water polo = swim suits. Not just any swim suits, it's freaking speedos! @_@ Fans, you better watch out for any major nosebleeds. (Yuto is on a roll with his drama work, good on him!)

2014.05.27☆めざまし・水球ヤンキース by ichigocherry

That's the last of the HSJ news... I'm leaving you off with a super amazing Sexy Zone dance. I can't believe I haven't seen it before!! (That's because I hardly keep up with shokura these days). Anyways, I'm in shock. When did my boys learn how to dance like that?! I feel like a parent watching their kids' major recital. They totally rocked that shokura performance. Their moves were so sharp and the dance was so exciting. Shori was a total superstar, Marius looked really cool, Sou had his own little dance solo, and FumaKen strutted their stuff. Everyone was into it~

Better watch it in glorious 1080 quality.

びーふりー せくぞ [KissTube] by KissTube