Monday 2 June 2014


I haven't updated in a while, sorry! (It seems like I'm always apologizing for not updating, lol). Before I was in school, so I was busy. Now I'm working 2 jobs, so I'm busy once again. T_T My personal life aside, lots of things have happened in the JUMP fandom.

First, let's talk about the S3ART album covers. I really don't like the makes me cringe a bit. I don't think it's very smart to choose s3art. (I'll stop trying to be witty). The outfits are a step down from Ride with Me but better than the weird quilted ones from Come On A My House. And I don't like the design of all three editions.

I may not be a huge fan of the colour schemes they chose for LE 1 and 2 but the regular edition outfits look good. Inoo's colour scheme remind me of his outfit in Over. Yamada's floral print blouse and white blazer looks amazing. Keito's outfit also stands out. Yuya and Daiki's combination......Not as amazing. But that's just my personal taste. :/


Next, I heard from hana-des who heard from hikarurin1412 that Yamada's father works for a Roast Meat Restaurant. I guess Yamada's dreams are now reality. He can eat all the delicious meat he wants  for free! (just kidding....I'm sure he pays). But it wouldn't surprise me if Yamada's father slips him a few extra slices of meat. XD The name of the restaurant isn't mentioned but it is located in Shibuya. So for those in the area, see if you can find the restaurant~

(Ok so the picture below is not him at the's just a random pic that happens to have Yamada with a plate of food that may or may not be meat, lol.)


I'm saving the best for last....(and I know it's old news but..) Yuya and Yuto are starring in a drama and the best part's about water polo. Water polo = swim suits. Not just any swim suits, it's freaking speedos! @_@ Fans, you better watch out for any major nosebleeds. (Yuto is on a roll with his drama work, good on him!)

2014.05.27☆めざまし・水球ヤンキース by ichigocherry

That's the last of the HSJ news... I'm leaving you off with a super amazing Sexy Zone dance. I can't believe I haven't seen it before!! (That's because I hardly keep up with shokura these days). Anyways, I'm in shock. When did my boys learn how to dance like that?! I feel like a parent watching their kids' major recital. They totally rocked that shokura performance. Their moves were so sharp and the dance was so exciting. Shori was a total superstar, Marius looked really cool, Sou had his own little dance solo, and FumaKen strutted their stuff. Everyone was into it~

Better watch it in glorious 1080 quality.

びーふりー せくぞ [KissTube] by KissTube

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