Thursday 15 May 2014


Another scandal is in! Yabu's taken. He's dating an older girl and apparently has been living with her. I heard some sources say she's 26 and others 30. Either way, she's older than Yabu is. He's said many times in interviews that he likes older girls. \^^/ His dream came true!

Before I was conflicted on Jump dating but now I just want the boys to be happy. I think I've grown up as a fan, lol. Anyways, the only problem I have is Yabu's duck face. Stop that, Yabu....the duck face trend is over. XD

Here they are shopping supposedly after Jump's concert.

I really like this one. They're so cute!!!

I'm sorry but Yabu does not look good in this papa pic. Hahaha, he's still adorable.

If they are living together, it'd be easier for them to enjoy time alone. Also rumours say that he bought a dog for her. How cute can you be, Yabu!! And they are wearing the same type of shoes (Please tell me those are not crocs). I don't even believe this but another rumour is that Yabu will quit JE when he is 30. >.> I don't know about that....

Pictures from rorychan1215. Info from godaishiki

In related news, Jump is releasing their 3rd album and it's about time. FINALLY! What's interesting this time around is the new units. I found out from hana-des. Hikaru, Yamada, and Takaki are forming the unit "Kaitou Yellow
voice". Chinen, Yabu, and Yuto form "Night Stylish Person". Daiki, Inoo, and Keito form "Ai Oi Tai". I'm looking forward to Ai Oi Tai the most because both Inoo and Keito will get more lines. The two people in Jump who get the least lines are getting more chances to sing!!! I'm so happy for them.


Jump also announced a new tour....which means a new concert DVD!!! YES last year's wasn't that good so I'm hoping this one will be better. It better be since there are a ton of new songs and dances and outfits and stages. Can you tell I'm excited?!

Speaking of concerts, have you seen the pics of Jump's concert? Yuto kissed Yamada on the cheek and then they shared another "kiss". (Well the camera angle makes it look like they were kissing). BEST wore silly muscle shirts and were tried to be sexy.

It's a beautiful time to be a Jumper. XD

2014.05.12☆JUMPドームWS by ichigocherry

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