Thursday 8 May 2014

Who's This Man?

Do you recognize this person?


Because I didn't......(For a second!) That person is no other than Mr. Yaotome Hikaru!!! @___@ What?! How?! When?! Why?! His hair's gone blond, he's grown a bit of a mustache, and he looks totally different. It's for his butai or drama....I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it's for his butai. Anyways, it's amazing how much he can change! Some people aren't liking his new look but it looks refreshing to see a different look for him.

yaotome hikaru fanpage

Lookin' fierce there, Hikaru.

In other news, I watched Inoo's drama. Inoo needs to work on his acting but it looks like he's trying really hard, so I'll forgive his adequate acting. The major problem I have with his acting is that his true personality and character flows through too much. That aside, I'm fangirling at every scene he's in. He's really adorable even though he needs more practice.

I realized I missed like half of Jump's birthdays and a bunch of other Johnnys'. Sorry I'm so bad at birthdays...Have a Arashi Friendship Test Video instead!

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