Wednesday 18 June 2014

Yabu Smokes?! + s3art Album Release + Seven Journey

I've done it again. Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. T_T Shocking things seem to happen whenever I'm away from the internet. Yabu's at it again...Well it's more like his previous scandal related drama is continuing. There's shocking pictures leaked supposedly by his now ex-girlfriend. They broke up last this is old news? It's new news to me. @_@

You can see Yabu smoking and kissing. I'm pretty conflicted since he's an adult and can make his own decisions but he needs to be careful with who he can trust. He's still an idol, so he does have an image to protect. I'm not upset at him having a girlfriend or kissing but rather at him smoking. >.>

Anyways I've been getting my news from hana-des and tekito-love because Arama is dead and other JE fan sites haven't talked about it yet. You can read more about the situation there.

In other news, s3art was released!!! Yay!!! Finally!! A lot of fans have been waiting for more fabulous Jump music to enjoy and dance to and sing along to. This album is their most mature album yet. There's really cute songs like "Ready Go"and mature songs like "Forever". It's the best of both worlds. You have to watch the pv for "Forever" (it's basically footage from their concert). Their outfits are sooooo cool!

Still not in love with the flower print suits but the dance is adorable! >w<

Ready Go Hey! Say! JUMP by KissTube

Kis-My-Ft2's releasing their 3rd album soon (July 2)! I'm so stoked. Their past albums have been so good and I really am in need for more Kisumai songs~ Their pv for Seven Journey isn't as interesting compared to their other ones but the song is nice. I want to see more of their dance scenes but close-ups aren't bad either.

Seven Journey -short ver.- Kis-My-Ft2 by KissTube

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