Monday 23 June 2014


Ok first things first. I have to congratulate Inoo on his 24th birthday! Actually I'm a bit late...I totally forgot his birthday. I'm terrible with birthdays, so I didn't even congratulate the other members. But let's put my epic fails aside, ok? ^^

Inoo, please stay as quirky and adorable as you are! Hope you had the greatest birthday and got to eat lots of delicious food. I hope you get lots of awesome jobs like the chance to host a variety show where you can eat all the food you want. You did say you joined Johnny's for food, right? XD I can't believe you're 24 now and you still look as cute as ever. Did Nino tell you some tips on how to look young? Lol.

There's a rumour going on that Yuto dyed his hair blonde for his drama about water polo. The photo is from tuantalizing. I read from asianwiki that the filming starts this month, so the timing is just right. It really does look like Yuto but the quality isn't that I guess we will have to wait and see.  Was it Hikaru who went blonde first? I don't remember but I know Yamada and Inoo have~ Maybe the rest of JUMP will follow suit!

Ok I'm always telling you people to be careful not to get nosebleeds. But seriously! This time, get a big box of tissues because there is a cm for Suikyuu Yankees (aka the drama Yuto and Takaki are starring in). It's just one single picture but it is glorious on so many levels. I know Yuto's supposed to look intimidating but he just looks like he's pouting. It's quite cute! XD It's so nice to hear his voice in the cm! Takaki is his rival, I think. So that's why he's wearing a different coloured cap.

水球ヤンキース☆予告 by ichigocherry

I talked about Kisumai's Seven Journey last time and this week, the short ver. pv for 3.6.5 came out! I don't get the storyline at all. Kisumai is chased by a bunch of males and then they randomly using facial cream?! What The?! At least, it's more interesting than Seven Journey, both the song and pv that is.

3.6.5 -short ver.- Kis-My-Ft2 by KissTube

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