Saturday 5 July 2014

Silver Hair Yamada and Bald Chinen

Arama isn't dead anymore!! Which means more translations about the latest news!! Which means I just read that Yamada will star in a movie with fellow Johnny's, Ikuta Toma! ^^ Who's excited?! (Raises hand)


There 3 majors things to be excited about!
1) Rumour is that Yamada dyed his hair SILVER?! (No pics yet so....we shall wait and see)
2) Yamada using a knife (Yamada's acting been lacking in the action department. I can't wait to see his fighting skills)
3) Bromance between Yamada and Ikuta

The title of the movie is "Grasshopper" and basically Ikuta's girlfriend gets killed and he goes on an undercover journey to find the killer and get revenge. He will meet Yamada (whose character's name translate to Cicada) and I don't know if they will become friends or enemies? Hopefully the first outcome.

This isn't going to come out until next the wait begins. News from AramaJapan.

On the opposite side of the hair spectrum, Chinen has gone bald.  Just kidding, it's a bald cap. It looks obviously fake though... >.> Got the news and pic from hana-des! :D

Also it's official. Yuto's blonde now. He looks so different?! He's in a speedo and he's blonde and he's so fit. It's an overload of feelings.

Photo: ahm, I'm not even gonna say anything about what i think about this.

just.... (faint laughing)

just so you know he looks like this. lololol. let's all check this july 12~ xD

(c) 1130yuiMomoHSJ.yutonakajima

I don't remember if I showed this video before but it's still hilarious as ever. Yamada's a beautiful crier.


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