Tuesday 22 July 2014

Arioka Daiki: The Chibi With The Big Heart

I hope Daiki doesn't get mad if I call him a chibi. ^^;; My first impression of Daiki was he was really good looking. He has this adorable baby face and looks so happy all the time. My favourite part of him (looks-wise) is his neck. You may be thinking WHAT! But I think his neck is really nice and just the right size in proportion to his face. (lol, I'm sure now some of you are judging me).


Besides my weird appreciation for Daiki's neck, the best thing about him is his big heart. Out of all the members in JUMP, I always thought he was the most aware of other people. He's always looking out for the members. I mean he can be a little oblivious sometimes but he notices changes in people at the important times. I guess this could be why he gets along with everyone. Takaki and Inoo weren't that close in the past and still aren't bffs with each other even now. However, Daiki's always had this impression he was friends with everyone. In the past, he went out of his way to make the other members more comfortable with each other. In interviews, he always talks about how he goes out to eat or shop or just do stuff with other members. Although he's especially close to Yamada and BEST.


Daiki may be one of the older JUMP members but he's still one of the silliest. He gets overly excited about certain things and is curious about learning things (yes, that includes entertainment gossip). Sometimes he's a little too hyper and careless. The way he reacted in Jumparty 1 was so childish and cute. And he's usually just fooling around in the Making-Of pvs.

carolim08's channel

I know he kind of has this image of being an angel because of his adorable face, sweet voice and happy-go-lucky personality. But in reality, he's a carnivore~ I read a translation from shimukendou on Livejournal, and it said he describes himself as being a "rolled cabbage". I find this gap to be very interesting.


He's expressed lots of interest in music and acting. So I hope he gets to continue to get more behind-scenes-work like producing more music for JUMP or do more rapping in their songs. If he's really passionate and keeps working hard at it, it'll become his strength. I'm sure that a talent like that will help JUMP even more. I mean he's crazy about music (particularly western music). He knows lots of artists that I never even heard about. Plus he's recently practicing being a DJ! XD


Keep staying ridiculously cute and ridiculously childish, Dai-chan! And keep challenging yourself to new things! And keep giving lots of love to the other JUMP members! It's so much fun shipping you and other members.


Only one more person left to go. (Okei, you can do this). It's taken me over a year to write a post about 9 members.

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