Thursday 26 December 2013

Ride With Me Making Of Commentary

After seeing the short pv of RwM I was preparing myself for the worst. I had no confidence that I could watch the full pv without screaming or arm flailing or sobbing  tearing up. Yup, I was right. I was a hot mess and then Inoo had his solo shot and I became a hot blob of feels. I'm absolutely sold that this PV was flawless. Maybe I should have given the Best PV award to RwM...(I didn't see the full pv before that post, so it wouldn't be fair to give it to them.)

So before I saw the making of, I knew that I was heading towards a feels danger zone.  Everybody looked so good and their dancing was so cool and the set design was awesome. XD

BTW You can watch the Making of at Yabu Kota Facebook. :D

>w< Isn't Yuto cute? Answer: He's always cute even when making weird faces.

Yuya sitting all cute and stuff. Yutti being all tired and stuff. 

Hikaru and Inoo teasing Yamada. They were like Chip and Dale. Stop, Hikanoo! Actually don't stop it. Hikanoo for life! 

PEACE! (Random bursts of energy from Dai-chan are always appreciated.)

Yuto: I'll give you my love.
Keito: Stop it! Your love belongs to me only.
Yamada: Eh? If you don't want it, I'll take it. 

PEACE!! Daiki has a "Get out of my face" kind of face, lol.

Yabu and Inoo's definition of cool. Lol, they cracked me up! Inoobu's always so adorable! :D 

KEITO, YOUR HOTNESS IS SHOWING. It's always showing but this is too extreme. I can't deal with your beautiful hair and your unbuttoned shirt and your rolled up sleeves. Someone hold me while I cry because of his beauty. 

Ugh, Chinen. I love your new hair and your smile and just you in general. Already 20 years old and you're looking so good. 

Hikaru's probably thinking of making up for that time when he bullied  teased Keito during Jumparty 3. Hikaru was all over Keito. AHHHHH STOP IT YOU TWO, I ALREADY HAVE WAY TOO MANY SHIPS. Also, Hika's hands are so pretty. Many people say his hands are too skinny and his bones are showing but I love them! The way they're shaped after practicing bass too much....^^ 

There were way too many good points in this video. One of things I noticed was that Takaki and Yama were looking especially tired  I felt bad that they were so sleepy. Get some good rest, boys! But their solo dances were the best, in my opinion. Their moves were sharper and more expressive. XD

Overall, I felt like this was a good behind the scenes. The shooting was long but it was worth it! When the subs come out, I'll enjoy this even more~

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