Tuesday 31 December 2013

Johnny's West 4 Debut + JE goes BL...

There were rumours floating around this year that a Kansai group would debut and now we know it's official.

Johnny's West 4 includes Kiriyama Akito, Nakama Junta, Shigeoka Daiki and Kotaki Nozomu. I read the news from Kansai Juniors Livejournal. It was announced at the Countdown concert and I'm sure that newspapers and other sites will cover this story very soon. To be frank, I'm not too familiar with most Kansai juniors. But I'm somewhat happy that Kiriyama and Nakama got to debut. B.A.D.'s been around for a while well many juniors have.

jpopcentral.yuku. ,echamorimotoasianwiki

Congratulations to JW4! (that's the nickname I've given them) However, I'm concerned about many other things like
  • What is up with the name? I should be used to Johnny's name creating antics by now but...No he still surprises me.
  • What's going to happen to the other 7 West members, Fujii Ryusei and Tomohiro Kamiyama?
  • Are they going to go the A.B.C.-z route with limited releases or are they going to get super-exposed route like Kis-My-Ft2 or a completely different route?
That aside, I'm actually looking forward to them. If they peak my interest enough, it means there's going to be another group I'll follow! :D

Ok now that's the official update is out of the way, have you seen the special SZ + Jr's BL tv special? Whoa, it is just....I can't even put it into words right now. JE's fulfilling many fans' dreams with this special.

[YOUコントしちゃいなよ]④『美絵流学園』 HD by royalmaron

Kento was so funny, I loved his facial expressions. I cracked up when I saw Uchi's "I heard my name, were you talking about me?" face. I can't say much about Marius' acting but I can say that I never realized how likable the Jesse/Kento pairing is. This special was pretty enjoyable. 

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