Wednesday 25 December 2013

Okei's 2013 JE Awards

Merry Christmas, Everybody! Happy Holidays!! Sorry for the late of posts. D: I had no wifi, so I couldn't post anything until today. I know, I know. RwM Week's already a failure but it was something out of my control.  

Anyways without further ado, introducing Okei's awards for 2013 even though 2013 hasn't ended yet! This year sure was eventful, many things happened, many releases were made, many dollars were spent, and many tears were shed. I, Okei, present to you my list of the Best Single, Album and more. (Remember I don't cover and keep up with all of the JE please don't get mad at me for not doing so!)

Best Single of the Year: My Resistance Tashikana Mono By Kis-My-Ft2


Hands down, one of my most-listened-to songs of the year. Who can resist a beautiful piano melody, R&B vibe kind of song? Mix in awesome raps by Taipi and some string instrumentals and we've got a sure winner! It was one of Kisumai's best selling singles (Second place after Everybody Go). No one can resist the works of Jazzin' park.

Best Dance of the Year: Come On A My House by Hey! Say! Jump

 BRK Fan
You might be thinking that I'm out of my mind. I know it may not be the most difficult in terms of technique or the most amazing dance I've seen from Johnny's but I love it because it's simple and I can copy the moves. (Lol, great reasoning, right?) It's just a fun dance and each member gets some time in the spotlight. :D

Best PV of the Year: Breathless by Arashi

Surprise, surprise that's it's not HSJ. Actually, I've been getting back into Arashi this year and I'm constantly blown away at their awesomeness. This pv is no exception. I like that it's pretty simple and the set design, clothes, etc goes well with the song. Added bonus: the song is catchy as heck. Oh a oh oh...oh oh a oh oh~

Best Concert of the Year: Johnny's World in Tokyo Dome


A.B.C-z, Sexy Zone, Hey! Say! Jump and Johnny's Juniors?! We've got a winning combination here. I would even recommend it to people who aren't even in Johnny's fandom because it was that good. They performed some of their best songs (Yay for Kimi to... Milky Way and Beat Line) and there was member-ai and acrobats and awesome dancing, and cool lights and everyone looked so happy. A.B.C.-z's dancing blew me away! I was also impressed by Hikaru and Inoo's leg entwining moment thing. XD

Best Album of the Year: Good Ikuze! By Kis-My-Ft2


I love all of Kisumai's album....okay, there's only two so far but they're both downright amazing. Each track is distinct on its own and the singles really stand out. I love the way the album is formatted as well. There's the beginning instrumental track and then they build up energy with fun, catchy songs and end off with a nice ballad. I also love the addition of Kis-My-Zero3!! Can't wait for more albums from them. :)

Biggest Event of the Year: Tanaka Koki's Dismissal 


It's not really an award.  It wasn't a surprise to some fans but for me (who didn't follow Kat-tun much this year), it was. 6nin Kat-tun was such an essential part of my youth and this event made me bask into the golden days of Cartoon Kat-tun glory and appreciate the humour and liveliness of Tanaka Koki. It's going to be a struggle for both Koki and 4nin Kat-tun but I can only hope the best for everyone of them.

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