Friday 20 December 2013


Guess who's back? Me! :D The reason I was word: finals. D:

This is Ride with Me Week (RwM) where I will attempt to  blog everyday day for a week.

Remember when Jump was announcing their new single: Ride with Me? Yes that was a couple weeks ago but NOW THEY'RE RELEASING ANOTHER SINGLE IN FEBRUARY! It's for Hika and Inoo's drama. I should have seen this coming but then again, it seems to be a pattern where I need to be constantly reminded of things.

Preorders are up at Cd Japan (go go go people!)

And hold it -the best parts are that it's A DOUBLE A-SIDE AND THERE ARE FOUR VERSIONS. WOOOHOOOO! Ok  the names of the A-side is AinoArika (Which looks very similar to Ai plus Inoo plus Arioka, lol that may be a hint at dainoo) and Aisureba Motto Happy Life.The downside is that there will be a giant hole in my wallets. JUST TAKE MY MONEY! Well, Agressive marketing is better than what HSJ has gotten over the years. It probably won't happen but here's hoping that Hikaru and Inoo will be in the center or get to sing more lines!


Also happening in February is Sexy Zone's 2nd album. I loved their first album. It was good, very good but I'm not a fan of their recent singles. The conflicting feelings! Not to mention there will be 5 versions. What?! Slow down, management, you don't want to make SZ fans go bankrupt now, do you?
More details at tokyohive .

The weird part is that now both SZ and HSJ will have the same number of albums despite the huge gap between year of debut. I will cry the day Jump announces their 3rd album. Literally, I'm preparing myself each and coming day for that moment. T_T But put my HSJ tears aside, Congratulations Sexy Zone! Yay! I'm looking forward to some awesome new songs!!!

Here is a fantastic video of Jesse dancing! Enjoy and look forward to the rest of RwM Week!

jesse vids

Remember when I tried to do Coamh Week and failed. Lol, I'll try not to do that this time.

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