Thursday 2 May 2013


Yes, you all have probably watched it but an HD VERSION OF BOUNCE is out!!

Bounce is one of Jump's new songs, (which made its debut in their 2013 concert).
It's a good song,with such a catchy chorus! And their dance is pretty awesome (not as awesome as Beat Line imo).They get to wear casual clothes, which from what I heard, they chose their outfits! Now time to comment....

  • Daiki's outfit is the most eye-catching...those pants!! It's a wild combination of colours.
  • I'm sorry but Hikaru, those pants are just... @___@ I do not get the appeal of baggy-shirt looking pants. 
  • Must congratulate Keito's choice of clothes....It's a pity he doesn't show off his arms more. 
  • I want Yuto's outfit.
  • I love love love Inoo's outfit, it's so stylish. And it shows how lean he is. 
  • Takaki was very cool here, he did a head tilt/ hair flip~ 
  • Yabu was really flirty, I loved it! XD 
  • Hikaru's wink....My heart skipped a beat.
  • Chinen looked kind of cold in a "cool beauty" kind of way
  • Inoo only got 1 quick shot...What happened to the equal shooting from Come on a My House?
  • Everyone screamed when Daiki put on his hood and said "Don't Stop" (oh we would never tell you to stop)
  • I don't really care for Yamada's army pants, but the open shirt was a good choice. 
  • Yabu's scarf is very dangly and distracting. 
These are not in order, lol. I'm glad they performed this on Shokura. Hopefully, they will perform the rest of their new songs. I'm especially looking forward to Scramble. 
With this new performance, it's almost safe to say that a new single will be coming out soon. Come on a My House and Bounce will make such great B-sides!!

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