Wednesday 15 January 2014

Inoo's Rumoured New Hair Colour + Aino Arika Covers + Deep Thoughts about HSJ

HELLO WORLD! I'm not very good at updating on a regular basis...Ahahah, I'm sorry about that. But there's something more important than that. Apparently Inoo has dyed his hair?! The Inoo who hasn't dyed his ever at least not to my knowledge! (That time when he failed at dying his hair red doesn't count!)

What can I say? I'm so interested in his choice of hair colour. Personally I think he will go for something dark because dark colours don't need as much care(?) Anyways whether he dyes it gray or white or blue or green, he'd still be that lovable idiot. This is just a rumour, so the next time we have pics of Inoo, his hair might still be black. XD

Source from kaekaiii

Next up! Have you seen the Aino Arika Covers?


I have a lot of words to say but the nicest thing I could say  is that they could do better. (I'm sorry to those who like them but I really can't get into them). At least Inoo and Hikaru get some centre-ish shots. I ain't a fan of the plaid suits or the 2003 Microsoft banner look.

I'm going to laid out some thoughts.  Actually you may think I'm lazy (since I hardly update), but that's just part of the reason (lol). Another reason is that I'm been distracted by Johnny's too much. I'm always thinking things like what's the point of idols?, do they really want to be idols for the rest of their lives?, etc.


I feel kind of relieved after reading Chinen's 1000 word interview. (Read over at inluvwithhsj's tumblr)

When I read Arioka's, I got worried because being an idol takes away a lot of things. You don't really get that time to find yourself. So lately I've been worrying if some of Johnny's really enjoy being idols. (Of course they wouldn't have stuck with it so long if they didn't enjoy it but people change and once you've debut, isn't it harder to say "Sorry guys, I'm not up for it anymore".) Chinen's so sure that his place is with JE and it reassures me. If Johnnys didn't like performing, dancing, singing or whatnot, they wouldn't have gone to the dance lessons, or try to find new talents to make themselves stand out, or go to karaoke alone to practice singing or enroll in special schools or do many other things. Which is why I believe in them. Even though they are kind of a manufactured product catered to consumers, they still retain something special that makes millions of people reach out to them. When they can't believe in themselves, they should at least believe in their fans who believe in them. (Where am I going with this?! Sorry, I'm not making sense.)

Point is I should stop over-worrying about them. XD

Leaving off with a super hilarious video. The audio's horrible but Yama and Daiki's prank was so funny. Dai-chan's reaction made me laugh so hard.

kana nkjmarok

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