Thursday 30 January 2014

Inoo, Inoo, and some more Inoo + Dreamin' about B6

It's official. Blonde Inoo has made his debut....Goodbye black hair~

Behold blonde Inoo!! <3333333 LET ME LOVE YOUrorychan1215

Honestly, I don't really like it. But my opinion doesn't matter, it's his hair. Though I am happy that he's got lots of attention from his blonde debut. I'm glad more people are noticing him! And that's all I have to say about his hair for now.

In other news, Hikanoo's drama isn't doing well in terms of ratings. Tokyohive's drama report shows a rating of 0.5%. That isn't good. It's terrible. I'm wondering if it's due to the plot. Even when the summary came out, I was unsure of the plot and whether it would translate well from script into screen. I'll wait for the subbed episodes, then decide if it's really that bad...'Cause ratings aren't everything.

I can't deny I'm enjoying the wonderful Inoo pictures and gifs... >W<


Also, I had a dream about Bakaleya 6.....It was so weird but awesome? Haha.
I was walking with Chinen, which is already pretty weird. He was so chill, it was like we were old buddies. Then he told me that there was a group that going to debut soon. So I immediately went into my B6 fan mode. I asked him if it was the boys from Bakaleya. He said he didn't want them to debut and then my hopes were crushed and I woke up. The end.


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