Wednesday 8 January 2014

HSJ Translation Sites (Blog List)

Something I've noticed over the year is more and more blogs are becoming inactive. Other things like rl and school take priority. That and maintaining blogs and communities are really hard. I really will miss them and it's made me realize over and over again how important fan's participation in online forums, blogs, and other mediums are when dealing with an international fandom. It makes me kind of sad to see less fans participating, (online at least). T_T And I shouldn't even say that because it's not like I update things on a regular basis.  But I've complied a list of some sites dedicated to translating HSJ stuff.


  • Older translation from 2009s and onwards
  • Repost of deleted translations, you probably won't find anywhere anymore


  • There is a bit a lot of Inoo and Hikaru-focused translations...but Hey! I don't mind at all! >u<


  • Includes recent stuff! 
  • Talks about japanese fan terms and gossip on their facebook page


  • The best one there is out there! Basically, it's a compilation of where to read English translations and it tells you if you need to join a community to read them
  • Unfortunately, some of the communities have closed and there's no way of accessing their archives
  • Also another unfortunate thing is that it hasn't been updated since 2012 but nonetheless I've had lots of fun reading past translations and catching up on HSJ's past


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