Saturday 28 September 2013

Yaotome Hikaru aka Mr. Crooked Teeth

It's been way too long since I've done one of these and I have so many more to go. I want to talk about Hikaru first because recently my family has been nagging me about relationships and marriage. >:( I'm still young and I'm totally satisfied with being by myself for the time being. But the more I thought about my future.....the more Hikaru came to mind!

I don't even know my type, I believe if I were to fall in love (which hasn't happened yet fandoms don't count), it wouldn't matter how the person looked like! But I do think similar tastes are important. I feel like I have the most in common with Hikaru. Sorry Inoo we just weren't meant to be... XD


First of all, he's a book and music nerd. From magazine translation and some interviews, I heard he has lots of books. And he goes to cafe to read books. Just knowing we love books makes me feel closer to him. Reading is great!! Books are great!! Hikaru's great!! XD Also, he's a huge music nerd. I think he said he had around 8,000 songs in his collection. (It's probably more by now). He composes his own music, plays the bass and drums and guitar. and writes lyrics. Damn, boy can do it all! I love the way his fingers move so fast when he plays the bass. It's mesmerizing...

Kamiru Kaulitz

My first impression of Yaotome was that.....he wasn't handsome. One of the first pictures that comes to mind was during his puberty phase. He looked especially awkward because he had really bad eye bags and looked awfully tired. It turned me off. I let that one photo (which I cannot find right now) get to me and now I realize what a stupid reason it was. There's apparently a lot of people who don't like Hikaru's crooked teeth. There's such a pressure to have "perfect" teeth in most countries, it's really refreshing to see people like Hika have crooked teeth and be proud of it. I've been brainwashed to think that only perfect teeth are beautiful but on the contrary, everyone has a great smile no matter how their teeth look. Hikaru has one of the best and heart warming smiles in the world.


Also, Hikaru's quite the family man. His grandma even comes to his concerts, which is adorable. He still lives with his parents, I think? (Since I think he was complaining about them in a kind of recent translation, lol) His family was affected by the 2011 earthquake and he spoke about how worried he was for them, especially his neice/nephew. Can I also mention that he was adorable as a child? I mean, he's barely changed....he's still adorbs.


Maybe the biggest reason was I hold so much love for this kid is probably because of his personality. He's one of the greatest trolls in JUMP (if not, the greatest). Always playing gags or jokes on people. I'm a pretty shy person, so I always admire people who are so cheerful and outgoing and energetic. But he's serious when he needs to be. He's strict during rehearsals, (always working hard for us, fans!) and he's not afraid to voice his opinions. Remember the infamous fight with Yabu....(Gotta love Yabuhika)


Almost forgot about his gorgeous arms! And his gorgeous body! JUMP's given me all these strange attractions to arms and eyebrows and eyes... (Yes, I'm looking at you, Inoo, for the eyebrow attraction thingy I have going on.)


Last but not least, I love his name: Hikaru (or Light). It's so beautiful and completely fits his personality. Please continue to shine and bring happiness to everyone you meet, Hikaru!

P.S. You can see his bookshelf/cd shelf around 2:10

Friday 27 September 2013


Just a quick update.

CONGRATULATIONS TO HEY SAY JUMP FOR A WONDERFUL 6 YEARS. I know I'm 3 days late but nonetheless, I want to wish you good luck in the future and thank you so much for these amazing 6 years.

Has it really been 6 years?! It feels so strange that time passes by so quickly and now all of you are grow up and adults. I know I wasn't here with you for many years but I'm here now and I'm here to stay! Many things have happened but you guys still stuck together. I'm still hoping for a day where JUMP will be reunited, but I'll always be wishing for your happiness not matter what it may be. Happy Anniversary, JUMP! Love you lots! :)


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Update on My Life + Okura's Butt + Jump Party 3

I'm so sorry for not updating. It's just that...I've been working hard! Minus all the times I've watched Jump Party 3 and other random stuff... So in My Johnny's Story (Part 4) I talked about my dream. Well, my dream isn't going to come true if I just sit here and stare at my computer all day! I've been searching for exchange programs and applying for jobs. And I've been struggling with school. >.<

But alas, I've got a job! And there's a really good exchange thingy that I want to get into. It's really competitive and I don't have much experience....all I've got is my passion! XD

Enough about me...What's happening in the Johnny's fandom? Well, lots (as usual)!

First off, I just saw Okura's Anan shoot and Oh. My. Goodness. It's a beautiful shoot and my favourite picture is the one where's he turning his head with his back towards us. (I seriously gasped at how beautiful this photo was. Thank you, Mr. Photographer!!!!) I'm not very knowledgable about Kanjani8 .....b-but damn it, I'm curious now!


Onwards with the news! Jump Party 3 is out and has been for quite some time. I love jump party...I think i've watched the past two at least a dozen times each!! They're so entertaining. I love seeing Jump having fun and just being their silly selves.

I wasn't keep on the whole bowling idea for Party 3 but it worked out. Everyone was hilarious, I laughed until I cried. XD Inoo was adorable as always and he failed so much, it was soooo cute. Yamada was an excellent host, his trolling is's reached another level. Hikaru bullied Keito and it was awesome. Keito's got his revenge by slapping Hikaru's chest but then Hikura returned it with an even harder slap. Takaki held the bowling ball funny and made some amazing/ surprising moves. Yabu was awesomely silly. Chinen was awesomely adorable. Daiki was awesomely amazing. (I'm not even sure if awesomely is even a word. >.>)

And Yuto...he was the highlight! He was so energetic and crazy and said random things like "This!" It was great.

I'll probably go off to watch it again later tonight~

This is an old video but I've gotten a lot of Yutti feels after Party 3...


Saturday 7 September 2013

Tokyo 2020 + New Drama for Chinen + Yuma dropped out?!

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts. T^T Sometimes I'm just to busy and other times, I'm just plain lazy. My lousy excuses aside, TOKYO'S WON THE BID FOR 2020 OLYMPICSSSSSS!!!

Lol, and the reason I was so happy was because of Twenty Twenty. It means that there's a greater chance that 40 juniors will debut and I am so excited. I AM READY FOR THIS. (7 years early).


In other news, Chinen's acting with Ryo in a new drama. He's acting as a 10th grader, which he can totally pull off. XD I'm excited~ The story's mildy interesting to me but I can't wait to see the behind-the-scenes and all the magazine interviews and photoshoots for the duo.


Sooooo... Yuma's not an university student anymore. It was a bit out of the blue. Well, since he's got so much work and more coming, he had to make a choice. And honestly, being an university student myself, I question whether I want to go through with my degree or not. :( Wish you all the best, Yuma! Good luck and hope you become fluent in English! I'm available if you want someone to talk to in English.  XD

Also, more news quickie: Congrats Shori on your lead role and to Tama and Miyata and Senga on your roles in Dream Boys Jet!!!

I've always got time for some keito love. His arm flailing is epic. X3

Naomi Kaneko