Thursday 17 April 2014

More Johnny's Blogs Recommendations~ Part 3

Welp, there goes about 2 weeks without an update. :(
Meanwhile I've found a bunch of new JE/Idol/News blogs. I'm always on the lookout for more! So if you have a recommendation, please let me know! In the meantime, feel free to check out these blogs! They are awesome and tonnes of fun to read! :D


  • Not just limited to HSJ but blogs about JE in general
  • There's various translation available 
  • Her fangirling moments are so cute! XD 


  • Lots of posts....She updates so frequently and up-to-date about the latest rumours/news about HSJ
  • Adds links to news sources (That's always a plus!) :D
  • She's a Jumper, so expect a lot of awesome HSJ fangirl-related posts!! 


  • Mostly AKB48 with the occasion Jin post 
  • Lots of posts!!
  • If you like Johnny's, you may like some female idols (I'm getting into some other idols groups...but can my fangirl heart handle more?)

Japan Entertainment News

  • NEWS, NEWS, NEWS! (Not the JE groups but actual news)
  • Since Arama hasn't been updating all that much, I have tried to find other new sites. This place updates regularly. 
Here are some of the past recommendations I made: Link

I don't really need to introduce this segment by now but I usually end a post with a interesting video. This time, I found a video about V6! It's really cute. >w<


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