Friday 25 April 2014


Yes, that's right. You too can study Arashi and related JE stuff at university.....You just have to go to Meiji University, which btw is the uni that Inoo graduated from. I think Koyama and Yamapi graduated from there, too. 


The course's outline contains:
  1. Introduction - Arashi's Era
  2. The Culture of Johnny's Entertainment
  3. Before Arashi, focusing on SMAP
  4. Changes in Arashi's PVs - Before the big break
  5. Changes in Arashi's PVs - After the big break
  6. A comparison of the members of Arashi
  7. Arashi members as they appear on variety shows
  8. Arashi in dramas
  9. Arashi in concert
  10. Arashi and J-Pop
  11. Arashi and K-Pop
  12. Johnny's Entertainment post-Arashi
  13. Overview on the Era of Arashi
  14. Test
(Taken from Anime News Network )

This is one course I would get an A in... For sure! XD

The next news is much more serious.... Just when they debut, a scandal arises! Ryusei Fujii from Johnny's West has been caught smoking underage! Apparently he was 18 and the legal age in Japan is 20. He was also drinking. You can clearly see the beer cans and you can kind of see the cigarette in his hand. 

Bunshun claims he brought a women to a hotel, made her drink, and then sexually assaulted her. Since the timing of the article is just too convenient, I'm a little conflicted. But any sexual assault should not be taken light of. What will the police do? How management will deal/punish him? 

This week's video is about Nagase. I love how two kids are terrified of him and how two kids don't even mind. 

Thursday 17 April 2014

More Johnny's Blogs Recommendations~ Part 3

Welp, there goes about 2 weeks without an update. :(
Meanwhile I've found a bunch of new JE/Idol/News blogs. I'm always on the lookout for more! So if you have a recommendation, please let me know! In the meantime, feel free to check out these blogs! They are awesome and tonnes of fun to read! :D


  • Not just limited to HSJ but blogs about JE in general
  • There's various translation available 
  • Her fangirling moments are so cute! XD 


  • Lots of posts....She updates so frequently and up-to-date about the latest rumours/news about HSJ
  • Adds links to news sources (That's always a plus!) :D
  • She's a Jumper, so expect a lot of awesome HSJ fangirl-related posts!! 


  • Mostly AKB48 with the occasion Jin post 
  • Lots of posts!!
  • If you like Johnny's, you may like some female idols (I'm getting into some other idols groups...but can my fangirl heart handle more?)

Japan Entertainment News

  • NEWS, NEWS, NEWS! (Not the JE groups but actual news)
  • Since Arama hasn't been updating all that much, I have tried to find other new sites. This place updates regularly. 
Here are some of the past recommendations I made: Link

I don't really need to introduce this segment by now but I usually end a post with a interesting video. This time, I found a video about V6! It's really cute. >w<


Friday 4 April 2014

Hikaru Iwamoto Punched a Fan?!

twicsyThere's news that Hikaru Iwamoto of Snow Man punched a fan so hard, she needed surgery. Translations say that Johnny's HAS confirmed this. I actually remembered him from Bad Boys J and this is a really big shock to me. There aren't many details of the I'm not sure how far the stalking went or what really went down. I don't know whether this was self defense or anything but I'm really angry he used violence and the injury looks really bad and serious in the picture.

This brings up the question of how fans should act and what things are considered off limits. Fans need to realize that this (Stalking) is illegal and need to respect the privacy of Johnny's talents...Maybe Johnny's isn't taking enough action to prevent these matters and educate juniors? Maybe the fanclubs should be notified about proper etiquette on a regular basis? I'm not very knowledgeable about their policies or protocols but I recall watching a video where JUMP and some other juniors were saying how important it is to be a proper and respectful fan. On the other hand, he shouldn't have used violence and I hope Johnny's doesn't brush this issue to the side.

(New Source)


In other news, Yuma got his own page...which means more activities for him   it's easier to see what he's up to! Not a major fan but glad to see that management's not tossing him to the side. I haven't heard High Five yet, I really should do that.

(Look Here!)

Also Ryuu got into Tamagawa University, which means he's probably not returning. This was the closure I needed. Congratulations, Ryuutaro Morimoto, for graduating high school! I really wish you the best! I'll probably make a post about my feels later. :P

I've been getting into Kanjani8 these days! Enjoy their verison of Born This involves lots of silly dance moves. Maru slays me. XD

K8 - Janiben Born this way 2012 from Hanashi AibaMaruGB on Vimeo.