Saturday 18 October 2014

It's been a while...

It's be, like what, 3 months? I just haven't been in the habit of blogging and now that's school's started...I have been so busy. Not only that but I kind of haven't been following the fandom as much. Don't get me wrong, I still know what's happening and heard different kinds of rumours  (cough, takaki). But I haven't felt as excited as I used to be. Is this the slump that every fan faces? I'm sure I still love JUMP a whole lot but I need some time to figure out what I want to do. This fandom can be sometimes unhealthy and maybe some distance will do me good?

I don't know if I will continue this blog. Heck, I don't know what I had for breakfast this morning.
But I do know that I will continue to be a Jumper.

Whether I do continuing blogging or not, I'm really happy to have shared my adventures in the JE fandom with you. I was really happy when people commented,  I was really happy to meet you all. So, thank you for sticking with me for this past year.

Maybe we'll see each other in the future? If not, I'm sure we'll be okei.


I had to use that pun just once more! XD