Wednesday 5 February 2014

Johnny's West + Shitsuren Chocolatier

Hello~ Are you Best?


(If you didn't get that, it's an inside joke from the making of HSJ's new pvs!)

Ok nvm first things first! I just read never-ending-music-power's  blog and....


Johnny's West is debuting as a SEVEN UNIT GROUP! Yes you read it right! It's Johnny's West, not Johnny's West 4! And it's 7 people, not 4. (I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a 4 unit group...even though I didn't write about it, I secretly thought that something wasn't right about West 4). I'm sure the fans must be super happy about this news and now I'm even more excited about their debut CD.....because lately I think I'm turning into an 8er and I can't wait to see how a kansai group will change things up~

I'm ready to become a West-er? I don't know the name for JW fans yet... lol. (; o ;)

Heartbroken Chocolatier (Shitsuren Chocolatier)-p1.jpgasianwiki

There aren't too many dramas I'm watching right now.....Actually if you count the ones I'm watching on a regular basis, it's just 1. Lol, nothing catches my eye or interests me enough. I tried watching Matsujun's Shitsuren Chocolatier BUT OH MY GOD, I have so many things to complain  say about that drama. Let's just say Sota's 180 degrees character and Saeko's I-can-toy-with-you attitude is the main issue.

But as many complaints that I have, I also have lots of good things to say.

  • Shige is so hot.
  • Ken Arai composed the soundtrack. When I heard that electronic beat, I had an inkling it was him. Discovered him from Ohno's Kagi no Kakatta Heya and his distinctive style made a big impact! 
  • Chocolate....I want to eat fancy chocolate.
  • Did I mention Shige is so hot?

I haven't gotten a chance to fully appreciate HSJ's new single yet but from what I've seen or quickly glanced...the PVs look amazing. Especially Happy Life...It's like Coamh with an extra shot of happiness and rainbows. I'm glad that HSJ got a double single because it means more material to fan over. 

As usual, leaving you off with a super cute JE video. This time, it's Maru's turn!
