Tuesday 31 December 2013

Johnny's West 4 Debut + JE goes BL...

There were rumours floating around this year that a Kansai group would debut and now we know it's official.

Johnny's West 4 includes Kiriyama Akito, Nakama Junta, Shigeoka Daiki and Kotaki Nozomu. I read the news from Kansai Juniors Livejournal. It was announced at the Countdown concert and I'm sure that newspapers and other sites will cover this story very soon. To be frank, I'm not too familiar with most Kansai juniors. But I'm somewhat happy that Kiriyama and Nakama got to debut. B.A.D.'s been around for a while well many juniors have.

jpopcentral.yuku. ,echamorimotoasianwiki

Congratulations to JW4! (that's the nickname I've given them) However, I'm concerned about many other things like
  • What is up with the name? I should be used to Johnny's name creating antics by now but...No he still surprises me.
  • What's going to happen to the other 7 West members, Fujii Ryusei and Tomohiro Kamiyama?
  • Are they going to go the A.B.C.-z route with limited releases or are they going to get super-exposed route like Kis-My-Ft2 or a completely different route?
That aside, I'm actually looking forward to them. If they peak my interest enough, it means there's going to be another group I'll follow! :D

Ok now that's the official update is out of the way, have you seen the special SZ + Jr's BL tv special? Whoa, it is just....I can't even put it into words right now. JE's fulfilling many fans' dreams with this special.

[YOUコントしちゃいなよ]④『美絵流学園』 HD by royalmaron

Kento was so funny, I loved his facial expressions. I cracked up when I saw Uchi's "I heard my name, were you talking about me?" face. I can't say much about Marius' acting but I can say that I never realized how likable the Jesse/Kento pairing is. This special was pretty enjoyable. 

Thursday 26 December 2013

Ride With Me Making Of Commentary

After seeing the short pv of RwM I was preparing myself for the worst. I had no confidence that I could watch the full pv without screaming or arm flailing or sobbing  tearing up. Yup, I was right. I was a hot mess and then Inoo had his solo shot and I became a hot blob of feels. I'm absolutely sold that this PV was flawless. Maybe I should have given the Best PV award to RwM...(I didn't see the full pv before that post, so it wouldn't be fair to give it to them.)

So before I saw the making of, I knew that I was heading towards a feels danger zone.  Everybody looked so good and their dancing was so cool and the set design was awesome. XD

BTW You can watch the Making of at Yabu Kota Facebook. :D

>w< Isn't Yuto cute? Answer: He's always cute even when making weird faces.

Yuya sitting all cute and stuff. Yutti being all tired and stuff. 

Hikaru and Inoo teasing Yamada. They were like Chip and Dale. Stop, Hikanoo! Actually don't stop it. Hikanoo for life! 

PEACE! (Random bursts of energy from Dai-chan are always appreciated.)

Yuto: I'll give you my love.
Keito: Stop it! Your love belongs to me only.
Yamada: Eh? If you don't want it, I'll take it. 

PEACE!! Daiki has a "Get out of my face" kind of face, lol.

Yabu and Inoo's definition of cool. Lol, they cracked me up! Inoobu's always so adorable! :D 

KEITO, YOUR HOTNESS IS SHOWING. It's always showing but this is too extreme. I can't deal with your beautiful hair and your unbuttoned shirt and your rolled up sleeves. Someone hold me while I cry because of his beauty. 

Ugh, Chinen. I love your new hair and your smile and just you in general. Already 20 years old and you're looking so good. 

Hikaru's probably thinking of making up for that time when he bullied  teased Keito during Jumparty 3. Hikaru was all over Keito. AHHHHH STOP IT YOU TWO, I ALREADY HAVE WAY TOO MANY SHIPS. Also, Hika's hands are so pretty. Many people say his hands are too skinny and his bones are showing but I love them! The way they're shaped after practicing bass too much....^^ 

There were way too many good points in this video. One of things I noticed was that Takaki and Yama were looking especially tired  I felt bad that they were so sleepy. Get some good rest, boys! But their solo dances were the best, in my opinion. Their moves were sharper and more expressive. XD

Overall, I felt like this was a good behind the scenes. The shooting was long but it was worth it! When the subs come out, I'll enjoy this even more~

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Okei's 2013 JE Awards

Merry Christmas, Everybody! Happy Holidays!! Sorry for the late of posts. D: I had no wifi, so I couldn't post anything until today. I know, I know. RwM Week's already a failure but it was something out of my control.  

Anyways without further ado, introducing Okei's awards for 2013 even though 2013 hasn't ended yet! This year sure was eventful, many things happened, many releases were made, many dollars were spent, and many tears were shed. I, Okei, present to you my list of the Best Single, Album and more. (Remember I don't cover and keep up with all of the JE groups...so please don't get mad at me for not doing so!)

Best Single of the Year: My Resistance Tashikana Mono By Kis-My-Ft2


Hands down, one of my most-listened-to songs of the year. Who can resist a beautiful piano melody, R&B vibe kind of song? Mix in awesome raps by Taipi and some string instrumentals and we've got a sure winner! It was one of Kisumai's best selling singles (Second place after Everybody Go). No one can resist the works of Jazzin' park.

Best Dance of the Year: Come On A My House by Hey! Say! Jump

 BRK Fan
You might be thinking that I'm out of my mind. I know it may not be the most difficult in terms of technique or the most amazing dance I've seen from Johnny's but I love it because it's simple and I can copy the moves. (Lol, great reasoning, right?) It's just a fun dance and each member gets some time in the spotlight. :D

Best PV of the Year: Breathless by Arashi

Surprise, surprise that's it's not HSJ. Actually, I've been getting back into Arashi this year and I'm constantly blown away at their awesomeness. This pv is no exception. I like that it's pretty simple and the set design, clothes, etc goes well with the song. Added bonus: the song is catchy as heck. Oh a oh oh...oh oh a oh oh~

Best Concert of the Year: Johnny's World in Tokyo Dome


A.B.C-z, Sexy Zone, Hey! Say! Jump and Johnny's Juniors?! We've got a winning combination here. I would even recommend it to people who aren't even in Johnny's fandom because it was that good. They performed some of their best songs (Yay for Kimi to... Milky Way and Beat Line) and there was member-ai and acrobats and awesome dancing, and cool lights and everyone looked so happy. A.B.C.-z's dancing blew me away! I was also impressed by Hikaru and Inoo's leg entwining moment thing. XD

Best Album of the Year: Good Ikuze! By Kis-My-Ft2


I love all of Kisumai's album....okay, there's only two so far but they're both downright amazing. Each track is distinct on its own and the singles really stand out. I love the way the album is formatted as well. There's the beginning instrumental track and then they build up energy with fun, catchy songs and end off with a nice ballad. I also love the addition of Kis-My-Zero3!! Can't wait for more albums from them. :)

Biggest Event of the Year: Tanaka Koki's Dismissal 


It's not really an award.  It wasn't a surprise to some fans but for me (who didn't follow Kat-tun much this year), it was. 6nin Kat-tun was such an essential part of my youth and this event made me bask into the golden days of Cartoon Kat-tun glory and appreciate the humour and liveliness of Tanaka Koki. It's going to be a struggle for both Koki and 4nin Kat-tun but I can only hope the best for everyone of them.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Yabu Kota: Jump's Leader!

Yabu, yabu, yabuuuu! He reminds me of this emoticon, ^^. That's because his eyes become smaller when he smiles. Ah, I just love how wonderful and heart-warming his smile is. Whenever he laughs or has fun, I can't help feel giggly and happy too.

Yabu's the "official" leader of JUMP...and despite the times he's just goofing off, he takes many things into consideration and just doesn't let the fans know about it or let the other members worry about it. In his recent 1000 word interview, he talked about his debut and talked about bearing the burdens of those who didn't debut. There are so many issues that he and the rest of jump deal with, I can't even fathom to imagine. T_T Here's a quote that really struck me:

"Whenever someone debuts, more than ten times the number of people will be depressed. There are hundreds and thousands of people who really want to debut. So whoever is chosen must also bear the frustrations of those people." -Yabu Kota (Translation by skysj4)


I'm really glad that Yabu decided to pursue higher education and he's attending Japan's top university. @_@ That man is smart and determined. Even though if he's got a pretty stable working career, he still wants to learn more and challenge himself. :D I'm really proud of him.


Yabu gets annoyed pretty easily sometimes and it's so cute to see him angry.  He becomes an adorable pout-y little kid. But I also love his loving demeanor and how affectionate and touchy-touchy he can be. XD He's usually holding someone's arm or putting his arm around someone else's should or giving hugs to kids....He's a giant (skinny) teddy bear!


You know, I always talk about how adorable Jump babies were. But let me just say that Yabu was the cutest looking toddler of all time. When I first saw the picture, I literally could not believe my eyes that this tiny ball of adorableness turned into a tall, handsome man.


Sometimes he talks about his family during magazine interviews and I can see how much he loves them. He also loves all of the other members so much. I remember once when he was talking about how much he liked Chinen and said he would defend Chinen if anyone talked bad about him. Yabu is too precious! I don't think he's really Jump's leader, but rather Jump's mother. I love his big heart so much!

Thanks for taking care of JUMP, Mama Kota!

Friday 20 December 2013


Guess who's back? Me! :D The reason I was gone...one word: finals. D:

This is Ride with Me Week (RwM) where I will attempt to  blog everyday day for a week.

Remember when Jump was announcing their new single: Ride with Me? Yes that was a couple weeks ago but NOW THEY'RE RELEASING ANOTHER SINGLE IN FEBRUARY! It's for Hika and Inoo's drama. I should have seen this coming but then again, it seems to be a pattern where I need to be constantly reminded of things.

Preorders are up at Cd Japan (go go go people!)

And hold it -the best parts are that it's A DOUBLE A-SIDE AND THERE ARE FOUR VERSIONS. WOOOHOOOO! Ok  the names of the A-side is AinoArika (Which looks very similar to Ai plus Inoo plus Arioka, lol that may be a hint at dainoo) and Aisureba Motto Happy Life.The downside is that there will be a giant hole in my wallets. JUST TAKE MY MONEY! Well, Agressive marketing is better than what HSJ has gotten over the years. It probably won't happen but here's hoping that Hikaru and Inoo will be in the center or get to sing more lines!


Also happening in February is Sexy Zone's 2nd album. I loved their first album. It was good, very good but I'm not a fan of their recent singles. The conflicting feelings! Not to mention there will be 5 versions. What?! Slow down, management, you don't want to make SZ fans go bankrupt now, do you?
More details at tokyohive .

The weird part is that now both SZ and HSJ will have the same number of albums despite the huge gap between year of debut. I will cry the day Jump announces their 3rd album. Literally, I'm preparing myself each and coming day for that moment. T_T But put my HSJ tears aside, Congratulations Sexy Zone! Yay! I'm looking forward to some awesome new songs!!!

Here is a fantastic video of Jesse dancing! Enjoy and look forward to the rest of RwM Week!

jesse vids

Remember when I tried to do Coamh Week and failed. Lol, I'll try not to do that this time.